ParagraphFormat.KashidaPercentage property (Publisher)

Returns or sets a Long indicating the percentage by which kashidas are to be lengthened for the specified paragraphs. Valid values are from 0 to 100. Read/write.



expression A variable that represents a ParagraphFormat object.

Return value



The Alignment property of the specified paragraphs must be set to the PbParagraphAlignmentType enumerations's pbParagraphAlignmentKashida constant, or the KashidaPercentage property is ignored.


The following example sets the paragraphs in shape one on page one of the active publication to kashida alignment and specifies that kashidas are to be lengthened by 20 percent.

With ActiveDocument.Pages(1).Shapes(1) _ 
 .Alignment = pbParagraphAlignmentKashida 
 .KashidaPercentage = 20 
End With

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