Shapes.AddCallout method (Publisher)

Adds a new Shape object representing a borderless line callout to the specified Shapes collection.


expression.AddCallout (Type, Left, Top, Width, Height)

expression A variable that represents a Shapes object.


Name Required/Optional Data type Description
Type Required MsoCalloutType The type of callout line. Can be one of the MsoCalloutType constants.
Left Required Variant The position of the left edge of the shape representing the line callout.
Top Required Variant The position of the top edge of the shape representing the line callout.
Width Required Variant The width of the shape representing the line callout.
Height Required Variant The height of the shape representing the line callout.

Return value



For the Left, Top, Width, and Height arguments, numeric values are evaluated in points; strings can be in any units supported by Microsoft Publisher (for example, "2.5 in").


The following example adds a new freely-rotating callout line to the first page of the active publication.

Dim shpCallout As Shape 
Set shpCallout = ActiveDocument.Pages(1).Shapes.AddCallout _ 
 (Type:=msoCalloutTwo, _ 
 Left:=144, Top:=216, _ 
 Width:=36, Height:=72)

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