Application.GetBuiltInStencilFile method (Visio)

Returns the file path to the specified built-in, hidden stencil used to populate certain galleries in the Microsoft Visio user interface.


expression.GetBuiltInStencilFile (StencilType, MeasurementSystem)

expression A variable that represents an Application object.


Name Required/Optional Data type Description
StencilType Required VisBuiltInStencilTypes The stencil to retrieve. Must be one of the VisBuiltInStencilTypes constants.
MeasurementSystem Required VisMeasurementSystem The measurement system for the stencil.

Return value



The following Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) code sample shows how to use the GetBuiltInStencilFile method to open the built-in hidden container stencil, and to add one of the containers from that stencil to the active page to contain the selected shape or shapes. Before you run this code, be sure that there is a selected shape (or a selection of shapes) on the active page.

Public Sub GetBuiltInStencilFile_Example()

    Dim vsoDocument As Visio.Document
    Set vsoDocument = Application.Documents.OpenEx(Application.GetBuiltInStencilFile(visBuiltInStencilContainers, visMSUS), visOpenHidden)
    Application.ActivePage.DropContainer vsoDocument.Masters.ItemU("Container 1"), Application.ActiveWindow.Selection

End Sub

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