ContainerProperties.GetMemberShapes method (Visio)

Returns the shape identifiers (IDs) of all members of the container, as specified.


expression.GetMemberShapes (ContainerFlags)

expression A variable that represents a ContainerProperties object.


Name Required/Optional Data type Description
ContainerFlags Required Long Specifies which container member shape IDs to return.

Return value



The ContainerFlags parameter can be one or more of the following VisContainerFlags constants.

Constant Value Description
visContainerFlagsDefault 0 Returns all shape types and includes items in nested containers.
visContainerFlagsExcludeContainers 1 Excludes member shapes that are containers.
visContainerFlagsExcludeConnectors 2 Excludes member shapes that are connectors.
visContainerFlagsExcludeCallouts 4 Excludes member shapes that are callouts.
visContainerFlagsExcludeElements 8 Excludes member shapes that are not containers, lists, connectors, or callouts.
visContainerFlagsExcludeNested 16 Excludes any member shapes that are members of containers or lists nested within the container.
visContainerFlagsExcludeListMembers 32 Excludes members of a list container that are explicitly members of any list. Does not exclude other shapes in the list container.

GetMemberShapes returns an empty array if there are no member shapes.


The following Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) example shows how to use the GetMemberShapes method to get the IDs of all member shapes in a specified container on the active page, loop through those shapes, and print the ID of each shape in the Immediate window.

For Each memberID In vsoContainerShape.ContainerProperties.GetMemberShapes(visContainerFlagsDefault) 
    Set vsoShape = ActivePage.Shapes.ItemFromID(memberID) 
    Debug.Print vsoShape.ID

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