VisWebPageSettings.SaveSettings method

Saves the current webpage settings to the registry.



expression An expression that returns a VisWebPageSettings object.

Return value



By default, when some webpage settings are explicitly set to something other than the default value, they are saved to the registry when a Save as Web Page project's files are exported to the target path. The SaveSettings method causes these settings to be written to the registry when the method is called rather than waiting until the files are exported.

For more information about which settings are persisted to the registry, see Persisting Save as Web Page settings.


The following example shows how to use the SaveSettings method to immediately change the default value for the PriFormat property.

Before running this example, replace path\filename with a valid path and file name for the webpage project files.

Public Sub SaveSettings_Example() 
 Dim vsoSaveAsWeb As VisSaveAsWeb 
 Dim vsoWebSettings As VisWebPageSettings 
 Set vsoSaveAsWeb = Visio.Application.SaveAsWebObject 
 Set vsoWebSettings = vsoSaveAsWeb.WebPageSettings 
 With vsoWebSettings 
 'Set PriFormat to a non-default value. 
 .PriFormat = "JPG" 
 .TargetPath = "path\filename" 
 End With 
End Sub

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