LetterContent.Letterhead property (Word)

True if space is reserved for a preprinted letterhead in a letter created by the Letter Wizard. Read/write Boolean. The LetterheadSize property controls the size of the reserved letterhead space.


expression. Letterhead

expression An expression that returns a 'LetterContent' object.


This example creates a new LetterContent object, reserves an inch of space at the top of the page for a preprinted letterhead, and then runs the Letter Wizard by using the RunLetterWizard method.

Dim lcNew As LetterContent 
Set lcNew = New LetterContent 
With lcNew 
 .Letterhead = True 
 .LetterheadLocation = wdLetterTop 
 .LetterheadSize = InchesToPoints(1) 
End With 
ActiveDocument.RunLetterWizard _ 
 LetterContent:=lcNew, WizardMode:=True

See also

LetterContent Object

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