XlConstants enumeration (Word)
Specifies a miscellaneous constant in Microsoft Word.
Name | Value | Description |
xl3DBar | -4099 | Three-dimensional bar chart group or series. |
xl3DSurface | -4103 | Three-dimensional surface chart group or series. |
xlAbove | 0 | The summary row is displayed above the specified range. |
xlAutomatic | -4105 | Word applies automatic settings, such as a color or page number, to the specified object. |
xlBar | 2 | Two-dimensional bar chart group or series. |
xlBelow | 1 | The summary row is displayed below the specified range. |
xlBoth | 1 | Display positive and negative error bars in the specified chart group or series. |
xlBottom | -4107 | Bottom. |
xlCenter | -4108 | Center. |
xlChecker | 9 | Checker pattern. |
xlCircle | 8 | Circle. |
xlColumn | 3 | Columnar chart group or series. |
xlCombination | -4111 | Combination. |
xlCorner | 2 | Corner. |
xlCrissCross | 16 | Criss-cross pattern. |
xlCross | 4 | Cross pattern. |
xlCustom | -4114 | Word applies custom settings, such as a color or error amount, to the specified object. |
xlDefaultAutoFormat | -1 | Word applies default or automatic formatting. |
xlDiamond | 2 | Diamond pattern. |
xlDistributed | -4117 | Distributed. |
xlFill | 5 | Fill. |
xlFixedValue | 1 | Display error amounts as a fixed value. |
xlGeneral | 1 | General. |
xlGray16 | 17 | 16% gray pattern. |
xlGray25 | -4124 | 25% gray pattern. |
xlGray50 | -4125 | 50% gray pattern. |
xlGray75 | -4126 | 75% gray pattern. |
xlGray8 | 18 | 8% gray pattern. |
xlGrid | 15 | Grid pattern. |
xlHigh | -4127 | High. |
xlInside | 2 | Inside. |
xlJustify | -4130 | Justify. |
xlLeft | -4131 | Left. |
xlLightDown | 13 | Light down line pattern. |
xlLightHorizontal | 11 | Light horizontal line pattern. |
xlLightUp | 14 | Light up line pattern. |
xlLightVertical | 12 | Light vertical line pattern. |
xlLow | -4134 | Low. |
xlMaximum | 2 | Maximum. |
xlMinimum | 4 | Minimum. |
xlMinusValues | 3 | Minus values. |
xlNextToAxis | 4 | Next to axis. |
xlNone | -4142 | Do not display error bars in the specified chart group or series. |
xlOpaque | 3 | Opaque fill. |
xlOutside | 3 | Outside. |
xlPercent | 2 | Display error amounts as a percentage. |
xlPlus | 9 | Display positive error bars in the specified chart group or series. |
xlPlusValues | 2 | Plus values. |
xlRight | -4152 | Right. |
xlScale | 3 | Scale. |
xlSemiGray75 | 10 | 75% semi-gray pattern. |
xlShowLabel | 4 | Show label. |
xlShowLabelAndPercent | 5 | Show label and percent. |
xlShowPercent | 3 | Show percent. |
xlShowValue | 2 | Show value. |
xlSingle | 2 | Single line. |
xlSolid | 1 | Solid pattern. |
xlSquare | 1 | Square. |
xlStar | 5 | Star. |
xlStError | 4 | Display error amounts as a standard error. |
xlTop | -4160 | Top. |
xlTransparent | 2 | Transparent fill. |
xlTriangle | 3 | Triangle. |
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