Organization directory network


Microsoft Kaizala has retired on August 31, 2023. We recommend using Microsoft Teams for continued connection, sharing, and collaboration.

Organization directory is classified into two networks: Employee and Others. Microsoft Kaizala enables organizations to classify their users as employees. Unclassified users are part of Others.

View all users in a network

On the Kaizala management portal, from the left navigation pane, choose Directory. You'll find two organization networks stacked as tabs: Employee and Others.

View Employee users

On the Employee tab, you can find a list of all users classified as Employees in your organization. These include:

  • Users added by an organization admin as Employees, either in bulk or individually.
  • Users synced automatically from Microsoft Entra ID.
  • Users signed in to their Kaizala mobile app using an Office 365 account.

View Others users

On the Others tab, you can find a list of all users that haven't been classified into any other network in your organization. These include:

  • Nonemployee users added by a group admin to their organization groups.
  • Users added by an organization admin as Others, either in bulk or individually.

Move users within networks

Organization admins can move users between different networks. To move users between networks:

  1. Select users that you want to move between networks.
  2. Select Move to Employees if you have selected users in Others network. Or, select Move to Others if you have selected users in Employees network.


Employees who either have Microsoft Entra users or have signed in to their Office 365 account cannot be moved to Others network.