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Kaizala settings


Microsoft Kaizala has retired on August 31, 2023. We recommend using Microsoft Teams for continued connection, sharing, and collaboration.

The Kaizala Settings page lets you connect your Kaizala registered phone numbers with an Office 365 account. This lets you manage groups, Actions, connectors, view reports, and much more. You can also configure compliance and tenant policies on this page.

Registered numbers

To add a phone number in the Kaizala management portal:

  1. On the Kaizala management portal, select Settings.

  2. Select Add Phone number. Enter the phone number and select Generate PIN.

  3. Kaizala will text a PIN to your mobile phone. Enter it into the screen and select Verify PIN.


Kaizala data belonging to organization groups, including messages, attachments, and actions are stored for Organization admins to retrieve using Export tenant data feature.

Tenant policy

Admins also control the tenant policy for their organizations, including:

  • Access (require Office 365 account sign-in to access groups)
  • Intune (require Microsoft Intune policy sign-in to access groups)
  • Copy (disable copy of messages and action cards in all organization groups)
  • Share (disable sharing of messages and action cards from all organization groups)
  • Forward (disable forwarding of messages and action cards from all organization groups)
  • Invitations (do not allow SMS invitations to be sent to invited users)