OneDrive and SharePoint in Microsoft Graph

Documentation validation and build status

The OneDrive REST API is a portion of the Microsoft Graph API which allows your app to connect to content stored in OneDrive and SharePoint. The REST API is shared between OneDrive, OneDrive for Business, SharePoint document libraries, and Office Groups, to allow your app the flexibility to read and store content in any of these locations with the same code.

These REST APIs are a part of the Microsoft Graph, a common API for Microsoft services.

For existing solutions using OneDrive API outside of Microsoft Graph, or solutions targeting SharePoint Server 2016, see direct endpoint differences for more context on reading this documentation.

Getting started

To quickly experiment with Microsoft Graph and accessing files, check out the Graph Explorer and the Microsoft Graph Quick Start.

OneDrive's REST API provides a few top-level types that represent addressable resources in the API:

The following is an example of a driveItem resource.

  "createdDateTime": "2014-10-31T03:37:04.72Z",
  "lastModifiedBy": {
    "user": {
      "displayName": "daron spektor",
      "id": "d4648f06c91d9d3d"
  "file": {

Data about a resource is provided in three ways:

  • Properties (like id and name) expose simple values.
  • Facets (like file and photo) expose complex values. The presence of facets on an item generally indicate behaviors or capabilities of an item and related properties.
  • References (like children) point to collections of other resources.

Many requests can be tailored to include additional data or remove unused properties from the responses. OneDrive uses optional query parameters to enable this functionality. Throughout the documentation, each request provides more context about which parameters are supported.

By default, most properties and facets are returned while all references are hidden. For efficiency, we recommend that you specify select and expand for the data you care about.

For details about resources and facets, see Resources and Facets.

Microsoft Graph root resources

Within the Microsoft Graph, the OneDrive functionality is available from several root resources. These resources correspond to where OneDrive and SharePoint document libraries are available within Office 365. The follow entities in Microsoft Graph may contain one or more drives:

Entity Example Path
User /v1.0/users/{id} or /v1.0/me
Group /v1.0/groups/{id}
Site /v1.0/sites/{id}

OneDrive root resources

When addressing a Microsoft Graph root resource, your app can address OneDrive resources using the following paths:

Path Resource
/drives List drive resources available to the authenticated user.
/drives/{drive-id} Access a specific drive by its ID.
/drives/{drive-id}/root/children List items in the root of a specific drive.
/drive/items/{item-id} Access a driveItem by its ID.
/drive/special/{special-id} Access a known folder by its known name.
/shares/{share-id} Access a driveItem by its shareId or a sharing URL.

Path-based addressing within a drive

A driveItem can be addressed by either a unique identifier or where that item exists in the drive's hierarchy (i.e. user path). Within an API request, a colon can be used to shift between API path space and user path space. This syntax is valid for any driveItem addressed via the API space.

You can also transition back to API path space by using a colon at the end of the file system path space. Ensure user data within the URL follows the addressing and path encoding requirements.

Path Resource
/drive/root:/path/to/file Access a driveItem by path under the root.
/drive/items/{item-id}:/path/to/file Access a driveItem by its path relative to another item.
/drive/root:/path/to/folder:/children List children when accessing by path relative to the drive root.
/drive/items/{item-id}:/path/to/folder:/children List children when accessing by path relative to another item.

Shared folders and remote items

OneDrive personal allows a user to add one or more shared items from another drive to their OneDrive. These shared items appear as a driveItem in the children collection with a remoteItem facet.

In addition, scenarios where items are returned from outside the target drive will also include a remoteItem facet. These items may also be returned from search, recent files, shared with me.

For more information on working with shared folders and remote items, see Remote items and shared folders.

Sharing and permissions

One of the most common actions for OneDrive and SharePoint is sharing items with other people. OneDrive allows your app to create sharing links, add permissions, and send invitations to items stored in a drive.

OneDrive also provides a way for your app to access shared content directly from the sharing link.

For more details on how to share and consume shared content, see Sharing items in OneDrive.

Webhooks and notifications

OneDrive supports sending webhook-style push notifications when the contents of a OneDrive is changed. Your app can use these notifications to track changes in near real-time instead of polling the server for changes.

Programming notes

API Compatibility

OneDrive will continue to evolve and gain additional functionality. The API path includes a version number to protect your app against breaking changes. When a breaking change is required, the API version number will be incremented. Existing apps calling the original version number will remain unaffected by the change. See the Microsoft Graph support policy for information about how long a version of the API is supported.

A breaking change is a change in the format of a request or response that removes or alters an existing documented behavior or removes an element of a resource's definition. It is not a breaking change to add additional actions, properties, facets, or references to a resource.

It is possible that the API will expose additional undocumented features from time to time. These features should not be utilized until they are documented. Do not assume that current behavior that deviates from the documentation will persist.

We will continue to make non-breaking changes to the existing version of the API, including adding facets, properties, and resources to the API. As such, any code calling the API needs to:

  • Be resilient to additional properties being added to JSON responses. Ignoring them is OK.
  • Have no dependency on the order of properties returned in JSON responses.
  • Use documented API paths, resources, properties, and enumerated values only. Non-documented values are not guaranteed to remain consistent.
  • All URLs returned by OneDrive API should be treated as opaque URLs. Your app should not make any assumptions about format or parameters in these URLs. They are subject to change without notice.


OneDrive has limits in place to make sure that individuals and apps do not adversely affect the experience of other users. When an activity exceeds OneDrive's limits, API requests will be rejected for a period of time. OneDrive may also return a Retry-After header with the number of seconds your app should wait before sending more requests.

HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests
Retry-After: 3600

Working with OneNote Notebooks

Note: Although OneDrive stores OneNote notebooks, you shouldn't use the OneDrive API to work with OneNote notebooks. Instead, use the OneNote API.

Continuous documentation validation

As part of our commitment to high quality documentation, we've developed a process through which the samples and examples in our documentation are tested for validity as part of every check-in. We call this continuous documentation validation.

Each time a change to our documentation is made, we validate that everything works as documented in the service. When we create a new build of the service, we validate that the examples in our documentation also continue to work. This helps us ensure that everything we document works and works as expected even as new updates are made available.

For the latest build details, check out the AppVeyor build status page for our documentation repository.

The following topics contain high level overviews of other concepts that apply to the OneDrive API.