Custom facets (preview)

Custom facets provide a way for you to store your own metadata on items. This can be used to keep track of custom state alongside an item, hold a link to a related item in another system, and various other things. Just like OneDrive's own facets, custom facets follow a schema so that you can be sure the data stays consistent and valid, even when used with multiple apps.

Note: Custom facets are in preview and only available for OneDrive Personal at this time.

Reading from custom facets

To view custom facets on an item, you need to list the facet names explicitly in the select query parameter. While custom facets appear alongside regular ones, they aren't returned unless included in the select statement.


GET /drive/items/{item-id}?select=id,name,image,contoso_oilChange


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

 "id": "beefbeef!123",
 "name": "atom.jpg",
 "image": {
     "height": 1200,
     "width": 1600
 "contoso_oilChange": {
     "lastOilChangeDateTime": "2014-07-06T18:05:33.79Z",
     "lastOilChangeMileage": 6785.3,
     "brand": "fabrikam",
     "viscosity": "5w-30"

Writing to custom facets

Custom facets can be provided just like regular ones on create or update calls. You may provide both custom facets and regular ones in the same call.


PATCH /drive/items/{item-id}
Content-Type: application/json

   "contoso_oilChange": {
     "lastOilChangeDateTime": "2015-08-01T20:17:12.86Z",
     "lastOilChangeMileage": 9523.9


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "id": "12345",
  "name": "foo",
  "image": {
    "height": 1080,
    "width": 1920
  "contoso_oilChange": {
    "lastOilChangeDateTime": "2015-08-01T20:17:12.86Z",
    "lastOilChangeMileage": 9523.9

Schema registration

Before a new custom facet can be used, you need to define its schema and register it with OneDrive. To register your custom facet, contact OneDrive Facet Registration and provide your client_id and schema definition JSON.

Below is an example schema definition.

    "name": "contoso_oilChange",
    "description": "Stores info about the last oil change for a vehicle",
    "properties": [
            "name": "lastOilChangeDateTime",
            "type": "datetime",
            "nullable": "false"
            "name": "lastOilChangeMileage",
            "type": "double",
            "min": "0",
            "max": "999999999",
            "nullable": "false"
            "name": "brand",
            "type": "string",
            "max": "24",
            "nullable": "true"
            "name": "viscosity",
            "type": "string",
            "nullable": "true"

Schema definition

Field Description
Name The schema name, of the form {appDomain}_{schemaName}. If you own {appDomain}.com, you can just use {appDomain}. Otherwise, you must use your reverse DNS name, with underscores replacing the dots (ie. if your domain is '', you would use 'net_treyresearch').
Description A human-readable description of the schema. For documentation purposes. Does not appear on the item.
Properties The definitions of the properties in this schema. See table below.

Property definition

Field Description
Name The name of the property, as it appears in the data. Must be lowerCamelCased and contain only the characters a-z and 0-9.
Type The data type. Currently OneDrive only supports string, datetime, and double.
Min If specified, the minimum allowed value. For strings, this is length.
Max If specified, the maximum allowed value. For strings, this is length. Strings must be under 256 characters.
Nullable If true, the value is optional.
Indexed If true, OneDrive will allow you to query, sort, and filter based on this property's value.

Updating an existing schema definition

You can update a schema definition, but only in ways that can't break old apps:

  • Existing properties can't be removed
  • All new properties must be nullable
  • All existing properties must have same values as before for type, min, max, nullable, and indexed.