Data (Body)
The Data element is an optional child element of the Body element (section A command response MUST have a maximum of one Data element within each returned Body element. Command requests can include the Data element. This element MUST NOT be present in multipart responses, as specified in [MS-ASCMD] section
The content of the Data element is returned as a string in the format that is specified by the Type element (section If the value of the Type element is 3 (RTF), the value of the Data element is encoded using base64 encoding.
If the Truncated element (section is included in the response, the data in the Data element is truncated. The EstimatedDataSize element (section provides a rough estimation of the actual size of the complete content of the Data element.
Protocol Versions
The following table specifies the protocol versions that support this element. The client indicates the protocol version being used by setting either the MS-ASProtocolVersion header, as specified in [MS-ASHTTP] section, or the Protocol version field, as specified in [MS-ASHTTP] section, in the request.
Protocol version |
Element support |
2.5 |
12.0 |
Yes |
12.1 |
Yes |
14.0 |
Yes |
14.1 |
Yes |
16.0 |
Yes |
16.1 |
Yes |