The Birthday element specifies the birth date of the contact. It is defined as an element in the Contacts namespace and is used in ActiveSync command requests and responses as specified in section 2.2.2.
The value of this element is a dateTime data type in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) format, as specified in [MS-ASDTYPE] section 2.3. The time portion of the dateTime value might be 11:59 and SHOULD be ignored, so that synchronizing between different time zones does not change the date.
This element can be ghosted. For details about the use of ghosted properties, see [MS-ASCMD] section
Protocol Versions
The following table specifies the protocol versions that support this element. The client indicates the protocol version being used by setting either the MS-ASProtocolVersion header, as specified in [MS-ASHTTP] section, or the Protocol version field, as specified in [MS-ASHTTP] section, in the request.
Protocol version |
Element support |
2.5 |
Yes |
12.0 |
Yes |
12.1 |
Yes |
14.0 |
Yes |
14.1 |
Yes |
16.0 |
Yes |
16.1 |
Yes |