The Occurrences element is an optional child element of the Recurrence element (section that specifies the number of occurrences before the series of recurring meetings ends. It is defined as an element in the Email namespace.
The value of this element is an integer data type, as specified in [MS-ASDTYPE] section 2.6.
Protocol Versions
The following table specifies the protocol versions that support this element. The client indicates the protocol version being used by setting either the MS-ASProtocolVersion header, as specified in [MS-ASHTTP] section, or the Protocol version field, as specified in [MS-ASHTTP] section, in the request.
Protocol version |
Element support |
2.5 |
Yes |
12.0 |
Yes |
12.1 |
Yes |
14.0 |
Yes |
14.1 |
Yes |
16.0 |
Yes |
16.1 |
Yes |