Proxy Addresses

If multiple e-mail addresses are associated with an entry, they MUST be included in the proxyAddresses and otherMailbox attributes. These addresses can be used as alternate e-mail addresses to reach the user. Specific e-mail addresses can be retrieved from this value depending on the intended use. The semantics of proxy addresses are not constrained by this extension, and are specific to the protocol that creates the proxy addresses. This extension does not constrain how a client uses proxy addresses. For the client, these proxy addresses have the same semantics as the values of the PidTagAddressBookProxyAddresses property, as specified in [MS-OXOABK] section

The format of each e-mail address MUST be as follows.

 emailString  = <emailType> ":" <emailAddress>
 emailType    =  <a string indicating what type of e-mail it is. i.e. SMTP, x500, etc>
 emailAddress =  <a string representing the e-mail address>

For example, for a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) e-mail address of someone@example.com, the resulting value in the proxyAddresses or otherMailbox attributes would have the following format.
