PidTagClientActions Property

Type: PtypBinary ([MS-OXCDATA] section 2.11.1)

The PidTagClientActions property ([MS-OXPROPS] section 2.634) is a binary buffer specifying the actions (2) the client is required to take on the message. The buffer MUST be packed according to the RuleAction structure specified in section 2.2.5.

The server is required to set values in this property according to the relevant actions (2) as they were set by the client when the rule (2) was created or changed by using the RopModifyRules ROP ([MS-OXCROPS] section Note that the server can combine actions (2) from different rules (2) into one DAM, in which case the RuleAction structures will be concatenated in the DAM's PidTagClientActions property by using the proper action (2) syntax specified in section 2.2.5.