CreateAttachment Operation

The CreateAttachment operation creates an item or file attachment on an item in the server store.

The following is the WSDL port type specification of the CreateAttachment operation.

 <wsdl:operation name="CreateAttachment">
       <wsdl:input message="tns:CreateAttachmentSoapIn" />
       <wsdl:output message="tns:CreateAttachmentSoapOut" />

The following is the WSDL binding specification of the CreateAttachment operation.

 <wsdl:operation name="CreateAttachment">
     <soap:operation soapAction="http://schemas.microsoft.com/exchange/services/2006/messages/CreateAttachment" />
         <soap:header message="tns:CreateAttachmentSoapIn" part="Impersonation" use="literal"/>
         <soap:header message="tns:CreateAttachmentSoapIn" part="MailboxCulture" use="literal"/>
         <soap:header message="tns:CreateAttachmentSoapIn" part="RequestVersion" use="literal"/>
         <soap:header message="tns:CreateAttachmentSoapIn" part="TimeZoneContext" use="literal"/>
         <soap:body parts="request" use="literal" />
         <soap:body parts="CreateAttachmentResult" use="literal" />
         <soap:header message="tns:CreateAttachmentSoapOut" part="ServerVersion" use="literal"/>

The protocol client sends a CreateAttachmentSoapIn request WSDL message, and the protocol server responds with a CreateAttachmentSoapOut response WSDL message.

An item attachment does not exist as a store item. It only exists as an attachment on an item or another attachment. Item attachments can be retrieved only by using the GetAttachment operation request.