2.1.8 [ECMA-262/6] Section 9.4.1 Bound Function Exotic Objects

V0037: The arguments and caller own properties for bound functions are not inherited from Function.prototype

The specification states:

 9.4.1 Bound Function Exotic Objects
     A bound function is an exotic object that wraps another function object. A bound 
     function is callable (it has a [[Call]] internal method and may have a [[Construct]] 
     internal method). Calling a bound function generally results in a call of its wrapped 
     Bound function objects do not have the internal slots of ECMAScript function objects 
     defined in Table 27. Instead they have the internal slots defined in Table 28.
                 Table 28 — Internal Slots of Exotic Bound Function Objects
     Internal Slot           | Type            | Description
     [[BoundTargetFunction]] | Callable Object | The wrapped function object.
     [[BoundThis]]           | Any             | The value that is always passed as the
                             |                 | this value when calling the wrapped
                             |                 | function.
     [[BoundArguments]]      | List of Any     | A list of values whose elements are used
                             |                 | as the first arguments to any call to the
                             |                 | wrapped function.
     Unlike ECMAScript function objects, bound function objects do not use an alternative 
     definition of the [[GetOwnProperty]] internal methods. Bound function objects provide 
     all of the essential internal methods as specified in 9.1. However, they use the 
     following definitions for the essential internal methods of function objects.

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The arguments and caller own properties for bound functions are inherited from own properties instead of fromFunction.prototype. Bound functions are treated the same as non-strict ordinary functions.