
The HTMLAnchorElement interface designates the destination of a hypertext link.

The HTMLAnchorElement interface has been extended with the following attributes:

When an anchor contains an image, the image has a border by default. The color of the border reflects the visited or unvisited status of the link.

 //Introduced in Internet Explorer.
 interface HTMLAnchorElement : HTMLElement {
             attribute DOMString       dataFld;
             attribute DOMString       dataFormatAs;
             attribute DOMString       dataSrc;
             attribute DOMString       hash;
             attribute DOMString       host;
             attribute DOMString       hostname;
             attribute DOMString       Methods;
             attribute DOMString       mimeType;
             attribute DOMString       nameProp;
             attribute DOMString       pathname;
             attribute DOMString       port;
             attribute DOMString       protocol;
             attribute DOMString       protocolLong;
             attribute DOMString       search;
             attribute DOMString       urn;