OData Standards Support Errata

This section lists Errata found in [MS-ODATAERRATA] since it was last published. Since this topic is updated frequently, we recommend that you subscribe to this RSS feed to receive update notifications.

Errata are subject to the same terms as the Open Specifications documentation referenced.



Errata are content issues in published versions of protocols documents that could impact an implementation. Examples of errata are errors or missing information in the normative sections of the Technical Specifications or in the use cases (examples) in the Technical Specifications.

Content issues that do not impact an implementation, for example, editorial updates due to typos, formatting updates, and rewrites for readability and clarity, are not included in Errata.

The next section lists the OData Standards Support technical documents that contan active errata (that is, errata not yet released with the documents in the Open Specifications Library). Links to previously published errata are available on the following pages and on the main page of each document, as applicable.

OData Standards Support Documents with Active Errata


This page and associated content may be updated frequently. We recommend you subscribe to the RSS feed to receive update notifications.

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