2.9.108 GOSL
The GOSL structure specifies the option set for a grammar checker implementing the CGAPI interface, as well as information to identify the corresponding grammar checker.
1 |
2 |
3 |
gos |
lid |
ver |
geid |
gos (2 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies a CGAPI option set. gos is implementation-specific to the grammar checker identified by lid, ver, and ceid. By default, the value is 0x0001.
lid (2 bytes): A LID that specifies the language of the associated grammar checker.
ver (2 bytes): An unsigned integer that is the version number of the associated grammar checker, as it is specified through CGAPI.
geid (2 bytes): An unsigned integer that is the company identifier of the associated grammar checker, as it is specified through CGAPI.