2.2.26 OfficeArtBlipPICT
Referenced by: OfficeArtBlip
The OfficeArtBlipPICT record specifies the BLIP file data for the Macintosh PICT format.
1 |
2 |
3 |
rh |
... |
rgbUid1 (16 bytes) |
... |
... |
rgbUid2 (16 bytes, optional) |
... |
... |
metafileHeader (34 bytes) |
... |
... |
... |
BLIPFileData (variable) |
... |
rh (8 bytes): An OfficeArtRecordHeader structure, as defined in section 2.2.1, that specifies the header for this record. The following table specifies the subfields.
A value that MUST be 0x0.
A value of 0x542 to specify one UID, or a value of 0x543 to specify two UIDs.
A value that MUST be 0xF01C.
An unsigned integer that specifies the number of bytes following the header. This value MUST be the size of BLIPFileData plus 50 if recInstance equals 0x542, or the size of BLIPFileData plus 66 if recInstance equals 0x543.
rgbUid1 (16 bytes): An MD4 message digest, as specified in [RFC1320], that specifies the unique identifier of the uncompressed BLIPFileData.
rgbUid2 (16 bytes): An MD4 message digest, as specified in [RFC1320], that specifies the unique identifier of the uncompressed BLIPFileData. This field only exists if recInstance equals 0x543. If this value exists, rgbUid1 MUST be ignored.
metafileHeader (34 bytes): An OfficeArtMetafileHeader record, as defined in section 2.2.31, that specifies how to process the metafile in BLIPFileData.
BLIPFileData (variable): A variable-length field that specifies the Macintosh PICT data.