2.2.2 \0x06DataSpaces\DataSpaceInfo Storage
If the original document content is an Office binary document:
The \0x06DataSpaces\DataSpaceInfo storage MUST contain a stream (1) named "0x09DRMDataSpace", which MUST contain a DataSpaceDefinition structure (section 2.1.7):
The DataSpaceDefinition structure MUST have exactly one TransformReferences entry, which MUST be "0x09DRMTransform".
The \0x06DataSpaces\DataSpaceInfo storage MAY<3> contain a stream (1) named "0x09LZXDRMDataSpace". If this stream (1) exists, it MUST contain a DataSpaceDefinition structure:
The DataSpaceDefinition structure MUST have exactly two TransformReferences entries.
The first TransformReferences entry MUST be "0x09DRMTransform".
The second TransformReferences entry MUST be "0x09LZXTransform".
If the original document content is an ECMA-376 document [ECMA-376]:
The \0x06DataSpaces\DataSpaceInfo storage MUST contain a stream (1) named "DRMEncryptedDataSpace", which MUST contain a DataSpaceDefinition structure.
The DataSpaceDefinition structure MUST have exactly one TransformReferences entry, which MUST be "DRMEncryptedTransform".