5 Appendix A: Product Behavior

The information in this specification is applicable to the following Microsoft products or supplemental software. References to product versions include updates to those products.

  • Microsoft Office 97

  • Microsoft Office 2000

  • Microsoft Office 2003

  • the 2007 Microsoft Office system

  • Microsoft Office 2010 suites

  • Microsoft Office 2013

  • Microsoft Office 2016

  • Microsoft Office 2019

  • Microsoft Office 2021

  • Microsoft Office 2024 Preview

Exceptions, if any, are noted in this section. If an update version, service pack or Knowledge Base (KB) number appears with a product name, the behavior changed in that update. The new behavior also applies to subsequent updates unless otherwise specified. If a product edition appears with the product version, behavior is different in that product edition.

Unless otherwise specified, any statement of optional behavior in this specification that is prescribed using the terms "SHOULD" or "SHOULD NOT" implies product behavior in accordance with the SHOULD or SHOULD NOT prescription. Unless otherwise specified, the term "MAY" implies that the product does not follow the prescription.

<1> Section 1.5:  This persistence format provides interoperability with applications that create or read documents conforming to this structure, including Microsoft Word 97, Microsoft Word 2000, Microsoft Office Word 2003, Microsoft Excel 97, Microsoft Excel 2000, Microsoft Office Excel 2003, Microsoft PowerPoint 97, Microsoft PowerPoint 2000, and Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003. This persistence format can also be used for interoperability with Microsoft Office Word 2007, Microsoft Word 2010, Microsoft Word 2013, Microsoft Office Excel 2007, Microsoft Excel 2010, Microsoft Excel 2013, Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007, Microsoft PowerPoint 2010, or Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 when compatibility with these listed products is a primary concern.

<2> Section 2.5.10:  Office Forms can store a caption in a FormControl, but UserForm controls viewed in Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications 5.0 (VBA 5.0) do not use it. Instead, VBA 5.0 stores the caption of a UserForm control in the VBFrame stream, as described in [MS-OVBA] section 2.3.5.

<3> Section 2.5.19:  Office Forms displays the full physical size for all controls, but the stored value of DisplayedSize in a form does not include the window borders and is therefore smaller than the size actually displayed.

<4> Section  ComboBox controls with the Style property in the Properties Window of the designer set to "0 - fmStyleDropDownCombo" have a DisplayStyle of fmDisplayStyleCombo.

<5> Section  ComboBox controls with the Style property in the Properties Window of the designer set to "2 - fmStyleDropDownList" have a DisplayStyle of fmDisplayStyleDropList.

<6> Section 2.5.22:  The object model for Office Forms has a hidden property on the TextBox control called "DropButtonStyle". It has no effect on the control, except that its value is part of the file format.

<7> Section 2.5.43:  The object model for Office Forms has a hidden property on the ListBox control called "ListWidth". It has no effect on the control, except that its value is part of the file format.

<8> Section 2.5.50:  Values greater than zero and less than 256 that are set through the Office Forms Object Model are persisted. Office Forms treats values that are not in the fmMousePointer enumeration as the file format default.

<9> Section 2.5.52:  The object model for Office Forms has a hidden property on the CheckBox, OptionButton, and ToggleButton controls called "MultiSelect". It has no effect on these controls, except that its value is part of the file format.

<10> Section 2.5.67:  Office Forms uses the term "Value" when referring to the Position property in ScrollBar and SpinButton controls. The numeric Position property has been documented as separate from Value to distinguish it from controls for which the Value property is a string.

<11> Section 2.5.82:  Office Forms treats values less than 142, that is, less than 4 points, in the same way as a value of zero.

<12> Section 2.5.83:  Office Forms treats values less than 142, that is, less than 4 points, in the same way as a value of zero.

<13> Section 2.5.88:  Office Forms preserves the value of this property, but its value and usage are controlled by the user.

<14> Section 2.5.95:  Office Forms uses the term "Value" when referring to the Position property in ScrollBar and SpinButton controls. The numeric Position property has been documented as separate from Value to distinguish it from controls for which the Value property is a string. Office Forms also uses "Value" in TabStrip controls to refer to the ListIndex property, which has been documented separately for the same reason.

<15> Section  Office Forms displays the two values for the Alignment property as "0 - fmAlignmentLeft" and "1 - fmAlignmentRight" in the Properties Window of the designer. However, the file format specifies that VariousPropertyBits.Alignment is set to 1 for "0 - fmAlignmentLeft" and set to zero for "1 - fmAlignmentRight".

<16> Section  The Editable property of a ComboBox control is set to 1 when it is persisted with the DisplayStyle property set to fmDisplayStyleCombo. The Editable property is not set to zero when the control is persisted with the DisplayStyle property set to fmDisplayStyleDropList. Instead, it retains the same value for the Editable property as the value it had the last time it was persisted. Applications make requests to Office Forms controls to persist themselves at times other than when the user chooses to save a document, so the Editable property can be set to 1, even if the implementer changes the Style property of a new ComboBox to "2 - fmStyleDropDownList" in the Properties Window of the designer before saving.

<17> Section  Only the ComboBox, ListBox, and TextBox controls enable a user to directly manipulate the IMEMode property. However, other controls adjust the value of this property in response to WM_IME_NOTIFY messages.

<18> Section  The object model for Office Forms has a hidden Boolean property on all MorphDataControl-based controls called "BordersSuppress". It has no effect on the control, except that its value is part of the file format.

<19> Section 3.2:  The picture is up_l.cur, a cursor that can be found in the Cursors directory of the system directory on a Windows Vista system.

<20> Section 3.6:  The picture is arrow_rm.cur, a cursor that can be found in the Cursors directory of the system directory on a Windows Vista system.