2.2.65 ChildGraphSpaceElementNodes

Target namespace: http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/onenote/2009/internal/specific

Referenced by: jcidPageSeriesNode, jcidPageManifestNode

The ChildGraphSpaceElementNodes structure is an array of ObjectSpaceIDs where each element in the array references the data for a page. This array MUST contain at least one element.

This property MUST be set on jcidPageSeriesNode structures. When set on a jcidPageSeriesNode structure, each element in the array MUST reference a PageObjectSpace which specifies the data for a page.

If this property is set on a jcidPageManifestNode structure, then each element in the array MUST reference a ConflictPageObjectSpace which specifies the data for a conflict page. By default, page manifests do not contain references to conflict pages.

Child Elements:

ObjectSpace: An ObjectSpaceID (section 2.1.7) that specifies a reference to an Object Space ([MS-ONESTORE] section 2.1.4) containing the data for a page.