The serialized digital certificate store specifies structures for storing a digital certificate store containing zero or more digital certificates and, optionally, a list of properties associated with each certificate.
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version |
fileType |
certificateList (variable) |
... |
endMarkerElement |
... |
... |
version (4 bytes): An unsigned integer identifying the version of the structure. MUST be 0x00000000.
fileType (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies the type of data contained in the structure. MUST be the value 0x54524543.
certificateList (variable): An array of CertStoreCertificateGroup (section This array can contain zero or more elements. Each element of the array specifies a digital certificate and a collection of optional properties associated with the certificate. Elements of this array are read and processed until a CertStoreCertificateGroup.SerializedPropertyEntry.id is read with the unsigned integer value 0x00000000, which specifies the end of this array and the beginning of the endMarkerElement field. The terminating CertStoreCertificateGroup.SerializedPropertyEntry.id value read is actually the endMarkerElement.id field and not part of this field.
endMarkerElement (12 bytes): An EndElementMarkerEntry structure (section specifying the end of the structure.