3.9.2 Character Formatting
This example shows how character-level formatting is specified for the green circular shape on presentation slide 6 as shown in figure titled "Presentation slide 6" in section 3.1.
The text of the shape is specified in an OfficeArtClientTextbox record. The child-record hierarchy of the OfficeArtSpContainer ([MS-ODRAW] section 2.2.14) record D from the table titled "DrawingContainer child-record hierarchy" in section 3.8.1 is shown expanded in the following table.
Offset |
Size |
Structure |
Value |
00007E30 |
00FB |
OfficeArtSpContainer - case of msofbtSpContainer |
00007E30 |
0008 |
OfficeArtRecordHeader - rh |
00007E38 |
0010 |
OfficeArtFSP - shapeProp |
00007E48 |
0044 |
OfficeArtFOPT - shapePrimaryOptions |
00007E8C |
000E |
OfficeArtTertiaryFOPT - shapeTertiaryOptions |
00007E9A |
0010 |
OfficeArtClientAnchor - clientAnchor |
00007EAA |
0081 |
OfficeArtClientTextbox - clientTextbox |
00007EAA |
0008 |
OfficeArtRecordHeader - rh |
00007EB2 |
000C |
TextHeaderAtom - case of RT_TextHeaderAtom |
00007EBE |
001D |
TextBytesAtom - case of RT_TextBytesAtom |
00007EBE |
0008 |
RecordHeader - rh |
00007EBE |
4 bits |
unsigned integer - recVer |
0x0 |
00007EBE |
12 bits |
unsigned integer - recInstance |
0x000 |
00007EC0 |
0002 |
RecordType - recType |
0x0FA8 |
00007EC2 |
0004 |
unsigned integer - recLen |
0x00000015 |
00007EC6 |
0015 |
array of bytes - textBytes |
an \runderlined\rcircle |
00007EDB |
0050 |
StyleTextPropAtom - case of RT_StyleTextPropAtom |
00007EDB |
0008 |
RecordHeader - rh |
00007EE3 |
000C |
TextPFRun - textPFRun |
00007EEF |
000E |
A: TextCFRun - TextCFRun A |
00007EFD |
0010 |
B: TextCFRun - TextCFRun B |
00007F0D |
000E |
C: TextCFRun - TextCFRun C |
00007F1B |
0010 |
D: TextCFRun - TextCFRun D |
Figure 173: OfficeArtSpContainer child-record hierarchy
clientTextbox.case of RT_TextBytesAtom.rh.recLen: 0x00000015 specifies that the length of the corresponding text body is 22 because of the terminating line break character.
clientTextbox.case of RT_TextBytesAtom.textBytes: "an \runderlined\rcircle" specifies the content of the text.
The basic character-level formatting is specified by four TextCFRun structures contained in the StyleTextPropAtom record that follows the TextBytesAtom record.
The child-record hierarchy of the TextCFRun record A from the previous table is shown expanded in the following table. The offset of the first TextCFRun depends on the paragraph-level formatting. When all TextPFRun records are read, the character-level formatting begins.
Offset |
Size |
Structure |
Value |
00007EEF |
000E |
A: TextCFRun - textCFRun |
00007EEF |
0004 |
unsigned integer - count |
0x00000002 |
00007EF3 |
000A |
TextCFException - cf |
00007EF3 |
0004 |
CFMasks - masks |
00007EF3 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - bold |
0x0 |
00007EF3 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - italic |
0x0 |
00007EF3 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - underline |
0x0 |
00007EF3 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - unused1 |
0x0 |
00007EF3 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - shadow |
0x0 |
00007EF3 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - fehint |
0x0 |
00007EF3 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - unused2 |
0x0 |
00007EF3 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - kumi |
0x0 |
00007EF3 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - unused3 |
0x0 |
00007EF3 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - emboss |
0x0 |
00007EF3 |
4 bits |
unsigned integer - fHasStyle |
0x0 |
00007EF3 |
2 bits |
unsigned integer - unused4 |
0x0 |
00007EF3 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - typeface |
0x0 |
00007EF3 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - size |
0x0 |
00007EF3 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - color |
0x1 |
00007EF3 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - position |
0x0 |
00007EF3 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - pp10ext |
0x0 |
00007EF3 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - oldEATypeface |
0x0 |
00007EF3 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - ansiTypeface |
0x1 |
00007EF3 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - symbolTypeface |
0x0 |
00007EF3 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - newEATypeface |
0x0 |
00007EF3 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - csTypeface |
0x0 |
00007EF3 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - pp11ext |
0x0 |
00007EF3 |
5 bits |
unsigned integer - reserved |
0x00 |
00007EF7 |
0002 |
unsigned integer - ansiFontRef |
0x0000 |
00007EF9 |
0004 |
ColorIndexStruct - color |
Figure 174: TextCFRun record A child-record hierarchy
This TextCFRun specifies only the font and font color for the first two characters, "an". The fontStyle field does not exist, because none of the bits of the CFMasks record that determine the existence of fontStyle are set.
count: 0x00000002 specifies that these character-level formatting options apply to two characters. The corresponding characters are "an".
cf.masks.color: 0x0001 specifies that cf.color exists.
cf.masks.ansiTypeface: 0x0001 specifies that cf.ansiFontRef exists.
cf.ansiFontRef: 0x0000 specifies the font. This field exists because cf.masks.ansiTypeface is set.
cf.color: Specifies the color of the font. This field exists because cf.masks.color is set.
So far, the sum of the count field of the TextCFRun records is 2.
The child-record hierarchy of the TextCFRun record B from the table titled "OfficeArtSpContainer child-record hierarchy" in this section is shown expanded in the following table.
Offset |
Size |
Structure |
Value |
00007EFD |
0010 |
B: TextCFRun - textCFRun |
00007EFD |
0004 |
unsigned integer - count |
0x00000002 |
00007F01 |
000C |
TextCFException - cf |
00007F01 |
0004 |
CFMasks - masks |
00007F01 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - bold |
0x0 |
00007F01 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - italic |
0x0 |
00007F01 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - underline |
0x1 |
00007F01 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - unused1 |
0x0 |
00007F01 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - shadow |
0x0 |
00007F01 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - fehint |
0x0 |
00007F01 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - unused2 |
0x0 |
00007F01 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - kumi |
0x0 |
00007F01 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - unused3 |
0x0 |
00007F01 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - emboss |
0x0 |
00007F01 |
4 bits |
unsigned integer - fHasStyle |
0x0 |
00007F01 |
2 bits |
unsigned integer - unused4 |
0x0 |
00007F01 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - typeface |
0x0 |
00007F01 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - size |
0x0 |
00007F01 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - color |
0x1 |
00007F01 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - position |
0x0 |
00007F01 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - pp10ext |
0x0 |
00007F01 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - oldEATypeface |
0x0 |
00007F01 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - ansiTypeface |
0x1 |
00007F01 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - symbolTypeface |
0x0 |
00007F01 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - newEATypeface |
0x0 |
00007F01 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - csTypeface |
0x0 |
00007F01 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - pp11ext |
0x0 |
00007F01 |
5 bits |
unsigned integer - reserved |
0x00 |
00007F05 |
0002 |
CFStyle - fontStyle |
00007F05 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - bold |
0x0 |
00007F05 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - italic |
0x0 |
00007F05 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - underline |
0x1 |
00007F05 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - unused1 |
0x0 |
00007F05 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - shadow |
0x0 |
00007F05 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - fehint |
0x0 |
00007F05 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - unused2 |
0x0 |
00007F05 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - kumi |
0x0 |
00007F05 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - unused3 |
0x0 |
00007F05 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - emboss |
0x0 |
00007F05 |
4 bits |
unsigned integer - pp9rt |
0x0 |
00007F05 |
2 bits |
unsigned integer - unused4 |
0x0 |
00007F07 |
0002 |
unsigned integer - ansiFontRef |
0x0000 |
00007F09 |
0004 |
ColorIndexStruct - color |
Figure 175: TextCFRun B child-record hierarchy
count: 0x00000002 specifies that these character-level formatting options apply to the next 2 characters, " \r".
cf.masks.underline: 0x0001 specifies that cf.fontStyle exists and that cf.fontStyle.underline is valid.
cf.fontStyle: Specifies styling options. This field exists because cf.masks.underline is set.
cf.fontStyle.underline: 0x0001 specifies that the text is underlined.
So far, the sum of the count field of the TextCFRun records is 4.
The child-record hierarchy of the TextCFRun record C from the table titled "OfficeArtSpContainer child-record hierarchy" in this section is shown expanded in the following table.
Offset |
Size |
Structure |
Value |
00007F0D |
000E |
C: TextCFRun - textCFRun |
00007F0D |
0004 |
unsigned integer - count |
0x0000000B |
00007F11 |
000A |
TextCFException - cf |
00007F11 |
0004 |
CFMasks - masks |
00007F11 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - bold |
0x0 |
00007F11 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - italic |
0x0 |
00007F11 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - underline |
0x0 |
00007F11 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - unused1 |
0x0 |
00007F11 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - shadow |
0x0 |
00007F11 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - fehint |
0x0 |
00007F11 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - unused2 |
0x0 |
00007F11 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - kumi |
0x0 |
00007F11 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - unused3 |
0x0 |
00007F11 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - emboss |
0x0 |
00007F11 |
4 bits |
unsigned integer - fHasStyle |
0x0 |
00007F11 |
2 bits |
unsigned integer - unused4 |
0x0 |
00007F11 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - typeface |
0x0 |
00007F11 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - size |
0x0 |
00007F11 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - color |
0x1 |
00007F11 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - position |
0x0 |
00007F11 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - pp10ext |
0x0 |
00007F11 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - oldEATypeface |
0x0 |
00007F11 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - ansiTypeface |
0x1 |
00007F11 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - symbolTypeface |
0x0 |
00007F11 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - newEATypeface |
0x0 |
00007F11 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - csTypeface |
0x0 |
00007F11 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - pp11ext |
0x0 |
00007F11 |
5 bits |
unsigned integer - reserved |
0x00 |
00007F15 |
0002 |
unsigned integer - ansiFontRef |
0x0000 |
00007F17 |
0004 |
ColorIndexStruct - color |
Figure 176: TextCFRun C child-record hierarchy
The fontStyle field does not exist because none of the first 16 bits of the CFMasks record is set.
count: 0x0000000B specifies that these character-level properties apply to the next 11 characters, "underlined\r".
cf.masks.underline: 0x0000 specifies that the underline field of fontStyle, which does not exist in this TextCFRun, would not be valid.
So far, the sum of the count field of the TextCFRun records is 15.
The child-record hierarchy of the TextCFRun record D from the table titled "OfficeArtSpContainer child-record hierarchy" in this section is shown expanded in the following table.
Offset |
Size |
Structure |
Value |
00007F1B |
0010 |
D: TextCFRun - textCFRun |
00007F1B |
0004 |
unsigned integer - count |
0x00000007 |
00007F1F |
000C |
TextCFException - cf |
00007F1F |
0004 |
CFMasks - masks |
00007F1F |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - bold |
0x0 |
00007F1F |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - italic |
0x0 |
00007F1F |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - underline |
0x1 |
00007F1F |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - unused1 |
0x0 |
00007F1F |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - shadow |
0x0 |
00007F1F |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - fehint |
0x0 |
00007F1F |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - unused2 |
0x0 |
00007F1F |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - kumi |
0x0 |
00007F1F |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - unused3 |
0x0 |
00007F1F |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - emboss |
0x0 |
00007F1F |
4 bits |
unsigned integer - fHasStyle |
0x0 |
00007F1F |
2 bits |
unsigned integer - unused4 |
0x0 |
00007F1F |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - typeface |
0x0 |
00007F1F |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - size |
0x0 |
00007F1F |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - color |
0x1 |
00007F1F |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - position |
0x0 |
00007F1F |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - pp10ext |
0x0 |
00007F1F |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - oldEATypeface |
0x0 |
00007F1F |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - ansiTypeface |
0x1 |
00007F1F |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - symbolTypeface |
0x0 |
00007F1F |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - newEATypeface |
0x0 |
00007F1F |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - csTypeface |
0x0 |
00007F1F |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - pp11ext |
0x0 |
00007F1F |
5 bits |
unsigned integer - reserved |
0x00 |
00007F23 |
0002 |
CFStyle - fontStyle |
00007F23 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - bold |
0x0 |
00007F23 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - italic |
0x0 |
00007F23 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - underline |
0x1 |
00007F23 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - unused1 |
0x0 |
00007F23 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - shadow |
0x0 |
00007F23 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - fehint |
0x0 |
00007F23 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - unused2 |
0x0 |
00007F23 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - kumi |
0x0 |
00007F23 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - unused3 |
0x0 |
00007F23 |
1 bit |
unsigned integer - emboss |
0x0 |
00007F23 |
4 bits |
unsigned integer - pp9rt |
0x0 |
00007F23 |
2 bits |
unsigned integer - unused4 |
0x0 |
00007F25 |
0002 |
unsigned integer - ansiFontRef |
0x0000 |
00007F27 |
0004 |
ColorIndexStruct - color |
Figure 177: TextCFRun D child-record hierarchy
count: 0x00000007 specifies that these character-level properties apply to the next 7 characters, "circle" and the terminating ā\nā. Note that the terminating ā\nā is not included in the preceding TextBytesAtom shown in the table titled "OfficeArtSpContainer child-record hierarchy" in this section.
cf.masks.underline: 0x0001 specifies that cf.fontStyle exists and that cf.fontStyle.underline is valid.
cf.fontStyle: Specifies character-level styling.
cf.fontStyle.underline: 0x0001 specifies that the text is underlined.
So far, the sum of the count field of the TextCFRun text structures is 22. Because the sum of the count field is the length of the text, this TextCFRun record is the final TextCFRun record.