2.5.124 FeatProtection
The FeatProtection structure specifies data for a shared feature.
1 |
2 |
3 |
A |
reserved |
wPassword |
stTitle (variable) |
... |
sdContainer (variable) |
... |
A - fSD (1 bit): A bit that specifies whether this structure contains self-relative security descriptor data. For more information about self-relative security descriptors see [MSDN-ASRSD].
reserved (31 bits): MUST be zero, and MUST be ignored.
wPassword (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies the verifier for the password required to edit the referenced ranges of a protected sheet. A value of zero indicates that the password is empty. The algorithm to generate the password verifier is documented in the password verifier algorithm.
stTitle (variable): An XLUnicodeString that specifies the title for this protection feature.
sdContainer (variable): An SDContainer that specifies security information that identifies who can edit the referenced ranges of a protected sheet without needing a password.