2.5.70 DConnConnectionOleDb
The DConnConnectionOleDb structure specifies data connection properties of an OLE DB data connection.
1 |
2 |
3 |
nDrillthroughRows |
cOleDb |
rgIOleDbValid (variable) |
... |
rgIOleDbInvalid (variable) |
... |
unused |
rgConn (variable) |
... |
nDrillthroughRows (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies the maximum number of rows that the application will retrieve during a drillthrough operation on a PivotTable based on this data connection.
cOleDb (2 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies the number of connection strings associated with the OLE DB connection specified in rgConn. MUST be less than or equal to 4. MUST be equal to 0 if the fStandAlone field of the associated DConn of structure is 0.
rgIOleDbValid (variable): An array of 2-byte unsigned integers that specify the type of connection strings in rgConn. The size of the array MUST be equal to cOleDb. Each element of the array MUST be unique within rgIOleDbValid. Each element of the array MUST be from the following table:
Meaning of string in rgConn
The main connection string of the connection. This element MUST exist.
The variant of the main connection string that has the password removed.
The connection string to the local cube file.
The variant of the connection string to the local cube file that has the password removed.
rgIOleDbInvalid (variable): Undefined and MUST be ignored. The size of the field, in bytes, MUST equal the value specified by the following formula:
2 * (4 – cOleDb)
unused (2 bytes): Undefined and MUST be ignored.
rgConn (variable): An array of DConnUnicodeStringSegmented. The array specifies the connection strings associated with the OLE DB connection that correspond to the elements in rgIOleDbValid. The number of elements in the array MUST be equal to cOleDb. This field MUST NOT exist if cOleDb equals 0. The meaning of each item in rgConn is defined by the item with a matching index in rgIOleDbValid as defined in the table under rgIOleDbValid.