3.1 Address Book File

The primary function of the Address Book Server is to scan Active Directory for users, contacts and groups, and determine which objects to include in the Address Book Server files and, for each object included, which attributes to include. For pseudo-code that shows how users, contacts, and groups are chosen from Active Directory, see section 7.

This section describes an example of an address book output file. The scenario that produced this address book file is as follows:

§ Monday, January 21, 2008, a full address book file is produced, F-0A10.lsabs.

§ Later in the day, an administrator makes several edits to the Active Directory Domain Services. The displayName attribute of one user is changed, another user is deleted, and a new user is added.

§ Tuesday, January 22, 2008, a full address book file is produced, F-0A11.lsabs, along with a delta address book file, D-0A10-0A11.lsabs, which is the delta between the two full files. and a compact delta address book file, C-0A10-0A11.lsabs, which is the delta of the contact attribute changes between the two full files.<11>

§ The compact delta file is identical to the delta file with two exceptions. 1) only the attributes that changed for a contact are included, so unchanged attributes are ignored, and 2) attributes for the contact that no longer exist are marked as empty. <12>

The file that will be used in the example is the delta address book file, D-0A10-0A11.lsabs.

The relevant portion of Active Directory contents when F-0A10.lsabs is generated:

     sn: ABSUser1_lastname;
     title: Development Manager;
     physicalDeliveryOfficeName: 12345;
     telephoneNumber: 555 391 3224;
     givenName: ABSUser1_firstname;
     displayName: ABSUser1_displayname;
     otherTelephone: 555-533-4312;
     company: TestCompany;
     proxyAddresses: sip:ABSUser1@urtest.rtmp.selfhost.corp.proseware.com;
     otherHomePhone: 555-391-3042;
     objectGUID: 8c36ad0a-5e97-46dd-8d5b-255140c52b00;
     mail: ABSUser1@urtest.com;
     homePhone: 555-566-4312;
     mobile: 555-533-4313;
     msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddress: sip:ABSUser1@urtest.rtmp.selfhost.corp.proseware.com;
 Dn: CN=ABSUser2,CN=Users,...
     sn: ABSUser2_lastname;
     telephoneNumber: 555-783-4756;
     givenName: ABSUser2_firstname;
     displayName: ABSUser2_displayname;
     proxyAddresses: sip:ABSUser2@urtest.rtmp.selfhost.corp.proseware.com;
     objectGUID: 477c251b-db42-4ef6-9c69-fabbecc67f31;
     msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddress: sip:ABSUser2@urtest.rtmp.selfhost.corp.proseware.com;
 Dn: CN=ABSUser3,CN=Users,...
     sn: ABSUser3_lastname;
     title: Program Manager;
     telephoneNumber: 555-555-1234;
     givenName: ABSUser3_firstname;
     displayName: ABSUser3_displayname;
     company: TestCompany;
     proxyAddresses: sip:ABSUser3@urtest.rtmp.selfhost.corp.proseware.com;
     otherHomePhone: 555-555-5678;
     objectGUID: e335ddce-8a89-4e38-a4eb-116965911f4a;
     mail: ABSUser3@urtest.com;
     homePhone: 555-555-4321;
     msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddress: sip:ABSUser3@urtest.rtmp.selfhost.corp.proseware.com;
 Dn: CN=ABSUser4,CN=Users,...
     sn: ABSUser4_lastname;
     title: Program Manager;
     telephoneNumber: 555-555-8765;
     givenName: ABSUser4_firstname;
     displayName: ABSUser4_displayname;
     company: TestCompany;
     proxyAddresses: sip:ABSUser4@urtest.rtmp.selfhost.corp.proseware.com;
     objectGUID: f02291c7-4c80-4956-8708-6bd526f47be5;
     mail: ABSUser4@urtest.com;
     mobile: 555-555-1111;
     msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddress: sip:ABSUser4@urtest.rtmp.selfhost.corp.proseware.com;

The relevant portion of the Active Directory contents when F-0A11.lsabs is generated:

 Dn: CN=ABSUser1,CN=Users,...
     sn: ABSUser1_lastname;
     title: Development Manager;
     physicalDeliveryOfficeName: 12345;
     telephoneNumber: 555 391 3224;
     givenName: ABSUser1_firstname;
     displayName: ABSUser1_displayname_changed;
     otherTelephone: 555-533-4312;
     company: TestCompany;
     proxyAddresses: sip:ABSUser1@urtest.rtmp.selfhost.corp.proseware.com;
     otherHomePhone: 555-391-3042;
     objectGUID: 8c36ad0a-5e97-46dd-8d5b-255140c52b00;
     mail: ABSUser1@urtest.com;
     homePhone: 555-566-4312;
     mobile: 555-533-4313;
     msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddress: sip:ABSUser1@urtest.rtmp.selfhost.corp.proseware.com;
 Dn: CN=ABSUser3,CN=Users,...
     sn: ABSUser3_lastname;
     title: Program Manager;
     telephoneNumber: 555-555-1234;
     givenName: ABSUser3_firstname;
     displayName: ABSUser3_displayname;
     company: TestCompany;
     proxyAddresses: sip:ABSUser3@urtest.rtmp.selfhost.corp.proseware.com;
     otherHomePhone: 555-555-5678;
     objectGUID: e335ddce-8a89-4e38-a4eb-116965911f4a;
     mail: ABSUser3@urtest.com;
     homePhone: 555-555-4321;
     msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddress: sip:ABSUser3@urtest.rtmp.selfhost.corp.proseware.com;
 Dn: CN=ABSUser4,CN=Users,...
     sn: ABSUser4_lastname;
     title: Program Manager;
     telephoneNumber: 555-555-8765;
     givenName: ABSUser4_firstname;
     displayName: ABSUser4_displayname;
     company: TestCompany;
     proxyAddresses: sip:ABSUser4@urtest.rtmp.selfhost.corp.proseware.com;
     objectGUID: f02291c7-4c80-4956-8708-6bd526f47be5;
     mail: ABSUser4@urtest.com;
     mobile: 555-555-1111;
     msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddress: sip:ABSUser4@urtest.rtmp.selfhost.corp.proseware.com;
 Dn: CN=ABSUser5,CN=Users,...
     sn: ABSUser5_lastname;
     telephoneNumber: 555-789-6666;
     givenName: ABSUser5_firstname;
     displayName: ABSUser5_displayname;
     proxyAddresses: sip:ABSUser5@urtest.rtmp.selfhost.corp.proseware.com;
     objectGUID: e1e8410b-c8c4-4022-93ba-b2145ed6d134;
     msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddress: sip:ABSUser5@urtest.rtmp.selfhost.corp.proseware.com;

The simple text difference of the two preceding Active Directory listings follows, to illustrate what was changed. The displayName attribute for ABSUser1 was changed, ABSUser2 was deleted, and a new user, ABSUser5, was added.

 <     displayName: ABSUser1_displayname;
 >     displayName: ABSUser1_displayname_changed;
 < Dn: CN=ABSUser2,CN=Users,...
 <     sn: ABSUser2_lastname;
 <     telephoneNumber: 555-783-4756;
 <     givenName: ABSUser2_firstname;
 <     displayName: ABSUser2_displayname;
 <     proxyAddresses: sip:ABSUser2@urtest.rtmp.selfhost.corp.proseware.com;
 <     objectGUID: 477c251b-db42-4ef6-9c69-fabbecc67f31;
 <     msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddress: sip:ABSUser2@urtest.rtmp.selfhost.corp.proseware.com;
 < -----------
 > Dn: CN=ABSUser5,CN=Users,...
 >     sn: ABSUser5_lastname;
 >     telephoneNumber: 555-789-6666;
 >     givenName: ABSUser5_firstname;
 >     displayName: ABSUser5_displayname;
 >     proxyAddresses: sip:ABSUser5@urtest.rtmp.selfhost.corp.proseware.com;
 >     objectGUID: e1e8410b-c8c4-4022-93ba-b2145ed6d134;
 >     msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddress: sip:ABSUser5@urtest.rtmp.selfhost.corp.proseware.com;
 > -----------

The contents of this delta address book file example follow, in hexadecimal bytes. The far-left column is the byte count; the far-right characters are the interpretation of the bytes in the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) character set. The sections that follow describe the structures that convey this series of bytes. This hexadecimal dump occurred after the actual D-0A10-0A11.lsabs file was decompressed. For a description of how the file is decompressed, see section 5.

 00000000: 16 c1 4b b5 08 90 c7 47 b9 bd f3 bb 1a 0a b6 eb ..K....G........
 00000010: 10 0a 11 0a 14 00 14 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
 00000020: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
 00000030: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
 00000040: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
 00000050: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
 00000060: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
 00000070: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
 00000080: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
 00000090: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 5b 08 00 00 2e 2a ..........[....*
 000000a0: 38 38 32 5b 5c 73 28 29 5c 2d 5c 2e 2f 5d 2a 38 882[\s()\-\./]*8
 000000b0: 30 38 30 2e 2a 5b 58 78 5d 2b 5b 5c 73 28 29 5c 080.*[Xx]+[\s()\
 000000c0: 2d 5c 2e 2f 5d 2a 28 5c 64 5c 64 5c 64 5c 64 5c -\./]*(\d\d\d\d\
 000000d0: 64 29 0d 0a 24 31 3b 70 68 6f 6e 65 2d 63 6f 6e d)..$1;phone-con
 000000e0: 74 65 78 74 3d 70 72 6F 73 65 77 61 72 65 2e 63 text=proseware.c
 000000f0: 6f 6d 0d 0a 2e 2a 38 38 32 5b 5c 73 28 29 5c 2d om...*882[\s()\-
 00000100: 5c 2e 2f 5d 2a 38 30 38 30 2e 2a 0d 0a 6e 75 6c \./]*8080.*..nul
 00000110: 6c 0d 0a 5c 28 28 5c 2b 5c 73 2a 31 29 3f 5c 29 l..\((\+\s*1)?\)
 00000120: 5b 5c 73 5c 2d 5c 2e 5d 2a 5c 28 3f 28 5c 64 5c [\s\-\.]*\(?(\d\
 00000130: 64 5c 64 29 5c 73 2a 5c 29 3f 5b 5c 73 28 29 5c d\d)\s*\)?[\s()\
 00000140: 2d 5c 2e 2f 5d 2a 28 5c 64 5c 64 5c 64 29 5b 5c -\./]*(\d\d\d)[\
 00000150: 73 28 29 5c 2d 5c 2e 2f 5d 2a 28 5c 64 5c 64 5c s()\-\./]*(\d\d\
 00000160: 64 5c 64 29 5c 73 2a 5b 58 78 5d 2b 5b 5c 73 28 d\d)\s*[Xx]+[\s(
 00000170: 29 5c 2d 5c 2e 2f 5d 2a 28 5c 64 5c 64 5c 64 5c )\-\./]*(\d\d\d\
 00000180: 64 5c 64 29 5b 5c 73 28 29 5c 2d 5c 2e 2f 5d 2a d\d)[\s()\-\./]*
 00000190: 0d 0a 2b 31 24 32 24 33 24 34 3b 65 78 74 3d 24 ..+1$2$3$4;ext=$
 000001a0: 35 0d 0a 28 5c 2b 5c 73 2a 31 29 3f 5b 5c 73 5c 5..(\+\s*1)?[\s\
 000001b0: 2d 5c 2e 5d 2a 5c 28 3f 28 5c 64 5c 64 5c 64 29 -\.]*\(?(\d\d\d)
 000001c0: 5c 73 2a 5c 29 3f 5b 5c 73 28 29 5c 2d 5c 2e 2f \s*\)?[\s()\-\./
 000001d0: 5d 2a 28 5c 64 5c 64 5c 64 29 5b 5c 73 28 29 5c ]*(\d\d\d)[\s()\
 000001e0: 2d 5c 2e 2f 5d 2a 28 5c 64 5c 64 5c 64 5c 64 29 -\./]*(\d\d\d\d)
 000001f0: 5c 73 2a 45 58 54 5c 73 2a 28 5c 64 5c 64 5c 64 \s*EXT\s*(\d\d\d
 00000200: 5c 64 5c 64 29 0d 0a 2b 31 24 32 24 33 24 34 3b \d\d)..+1$2$3$4;
 00000210: 65 78 74 3d 24 35 0d 0a 28 5c 2b 5c 73 2a 31 29 ext=$5..(\+\s*1)
 00000220: 3f 5b 5c 73 5c 2d 5c 2e 5d 2a 5c 28 3f 28 5c 64 ?[\s\-\.]*\(?(\d
 00000230: 5c 64 5c 64 29 5c 73 2a 5c 29 3f 5b 5c 73 28 29 \d\d)\s*\)?[\s()
 00000240: 5c 2d 5c 2e 2f 5d 2a 28 5c 64 5c 64 5c 64 29 5b \-\./]*(\d\d\d)[
 00000250: 5c 73 28 29 5c 2d 5c 2e 2f 5d 2a 28 5c 64 5c 64 \s()\-\./]*(\d\d
 00000260: 5c 64 5c 64 29 5c 73 2a 5b 78 58 5d 5c 73 2a 28 \d\d)\s*[xX]\s*(
 00000270: 5c 64 5c 64 5c 64 5c 64 5c 64 29 0d 0a 2b 31 24 \d\d\d\d\d)..+1$
 00000280: 32 24 33 24 34 3b 65 78 74 3d 24 35 0d 0a 28 5c 2$3$4;ext=$5..(\
 00000290: 73 2a 31 29 5b 5c 73 5c 2d 5c 2e 5d 2a 5c 28 3f s*1)[\s\-\.]*\(?
 000002a0: 5c 73 2a 28 5c 64 5c 64 5c 64 29 5c 73 2a 5c 29 \s*(\d\d\d)\s*\)
 000002b0: 3f 5b 5c 73 28 29 5c 2d 5c 2e 2f 5d 2a 28 5c 64 ?[\s()\-\./]*(\d
 000002c0: 5c 64 5c 64 29 5b 5c 73 28 29 5c 2d 5c 2e 2f 5d \d\d)[\s()\-\./]
 000002d0: 2a 28 5c 64 5c 64 5c 64 5c 64 29 5b 5c 73 5d 2a *(\d\d\d\d)[\s]*
 000002e0: 0d 0a 2b 31 24 32 24 33 24 34 0d 0a 28 5c 2b 5c ..+1$2$3$4..(\+\
 000002f0: 73 2a 31 29 3f 5b 5c 73 5c 2d 5c 2e 5d 2a 5c 28 s*1)?[\s\-\.]*\(
 00000300: 3f 28 5c 64 5c 64 5c 64 29 5c 73 2a 5c 29 3f 5b ?(\d\d\d)\s*\)?[
 00000310: 5c 73 28 29 5c 2d 5c 2e 2f 5d 2a 37 30 28 5c 64 \s()\-\./]*70(\d
 00000320: 5c 64 5c 64 5c 64 5c 64 29 0d 0a 2b 31 24 32 37 \d\d\d\d)..+1$27
 00000330: 30 24 33 3b 65 78 74 3d 24 33 0d 0a 37 30 28 5c 0$3;ext=$3..70(\
 00000340: 64 29 5b 5c 73 28 29 5c 2d 5c 2e 2f 5d 2a 28 5c d)[\s()\-\./]*(\
 00000350: 64 5c 64 5c 64 5c 64 29 5c 73 2a 5b 58 78 5d 2b d\d\d\d)\s*[Xx]+
 00000360: 28 5c 64 5c 64 5c 64 5c 64 5c 64 29 0d 0a 2b 31 (\d\d\d\d\d)..+1
 00000370: 34 32 35 37 30 24 31 24 32 3b 65 78 74 3d 24 33 42570$1$2;ext=$3
 00000380: 0d 0a 28 5c 64 5c 64 5c 64 29 5b 5c 73 28 29 5c ..(\d\d\d)[\s()\
 00000390: 2d 5c 2e 2f 5d 2a 28 5c 64 5c 64 5c 64 5c 64 29 -\./]*(\d\d\d\d)
 000003a0: 5c 73 2a 5b 58 78 5d 2b 28 5c 64 5c 64 5c 64 5c \s*[Xx]+(\d\d\d\
 000003b0: 64 5c 64 29 0d 0a 2b 31 34 32 35 24 31 24 32 3b d\d)..+1425$1$2;
 000003c0: 65 78 74 3d 24 33 0d 0a 28 5c 64 5c 64 5c 64 29 ext=$3..(\d\d\d)
 000003d0: 5b 5c 73 28 29 5c 2d 5c 2e 2f 5d 2a 28 5c 64 5c [\s()\-\./]*(\d\
 000003e0: 64 5c 64 5c 64 29 0d 0a 2b 31 34 32 35 24 31 24 d\d\d)..+1425$1$
 000003f0: 32 0d 0a 5b 58 78 5d 5c 73 2a 28 5c 64 5c 64 5c 2..[Xx]\s*(\d\d\
 00000400: 64 5c 64 5c 64 29 0d 0a 24 31 3b 70 68 6f 6e 65 d\d\d)..$1;phone
 00000410: 2d 63 6f 6e 74 65 78 74 3d 70 72 6F 73 65 77 61 -context=prosewa
 00000420: 72 65 2e 63 6f 6d 0d 0a 5c 28 3f 28 5c 64 5c 64 re.com..\(?(\d\d
 00000430: 29 5c 73 2a 5c 29 3f 5c 73 2a 5b 58 78 5d 2b 5c )\s*\)?\s*[Xx]+\
 00000440: 73 2a 28 5c 64 5c 64 5c 64 5c 64 5c 64 29 0d 0a s*(\d\d\d\d\d)..
 00000450: 2b 31 34 32 35 24 31 24 32 3b 65 78 74 3d 24 32 +1425$1$2;ext=$2
 00000460: 0d 0a 30 31 31 28 5c 64 2b 29 28 5b 5c 73 28 29 ..011(\d+)([\s()
 00000470: 5c 2d 5c 2e 2f 5d 2b 28 5c 64 2b 29 29 3f 28 5b \-\./]+(\d+))?([
 00000480: 5c 73 28 29 5c 2d 5c 2e 2f 5d 2b 28 5c 64 2b 29 \s()\-\./]+(\d+)
 00000490: 29 3f 28 5b 5c 73 28 29 5c 2d 5c 2e 2f 5d 2b 28 )?([\s()\-\./]+(
 000004a0: 5c 64 2b 29 29 3f 28 5b 5c 73 28 29 5c 2d 5c 2e \d+))?([\s()\-\.
 000004b0: 2f 5d 2b 28 5c 64 2b 29 29 3f 28 5b 5c 73 28 29 /]+(\d+))?([\s()
 000004c0: 5c 2d 5c 2e 2f 5d 2b 28 5c 64 2b 29 29 3f 28 5b \-\./]+(\d+))?([
 000004d0: 5c 73 28 29 5c 2d 5c 2e 2f 5d 2b 28 5c 64 2b 29 \s()\-\./]+(\d+)
 000004e0: 29 3f 28 5b 5c 73 28 29 5c 2d 5c 2e 2f 5d 2b 28 )?([\s()\-\./]+(
 000004f0: 5c 64 2b 29 29 3f 28 5b 5c 73 28 29 5c 2d 5c 2e \d+))?([\s()\-\.
 00000500: 2f 5d 2b 28 5c 64 2b 29 29 3f 28 5b 5c 73 28 29 /]+(\d+))?([\s()
 00000510: 5c 2d 5c 2e 2f 5d 2b 28 5c 64 2b 29 29 3f 28 5b \-\./]+(\d+))?([
 00000520: 5c 73 28 29 5c 2d 5c 2e 2f 5d 2b 28 5c 64 2b 29 \s()\-\./]+(\d+)
 00000530: 29 3f 5c 73 2a 5b 58 78 5d 2b 28 5c 64 7b 31 2c )?\s*[Xx]+(\d{1,
 00000540: 31 35 7d 29 5b 5c 73 5d 2a 0d 0a 2b 24 31 24 33 15})[\s]*..+$1$3
 00000550: 24 35 24 37 24 39 24 31 31 24 31 33 24 31 35 24 $5$7$9$11$13$15$
 00000560: 31 37 24 31 39 24 32 31 3b 65 78 74 3d 24 32 32 17$19$21;ext=$22
 00000570: 0d 0a 30 31 31 28 5c 64 2b 29 28 5b 5c 73 28 29 ..011(\d+)([\s()
 00000580: 5c 2d 5c 2e 2f 5d 2b 28 5c 64 2b 29 29 3f 28 5b \-\./]+(\d+))?([
 00000590: 5c 73 28 29 5c 2d 5c 2e 2f 5d 2b 28 5c 64 2b 29 \s()\-\./]+(\d+)
 000005a0: 29 3f 28 5b 5c 73 28 29 5c 2d 5c 2e 2f 5d 2b 28 )?([\s()\-\./]+(
 000005b0: 5c 64 2b 29 29 3f 28 5b 5c 73 28 29 5c 2d 5c 2e \d+))?([\s()\-\.
 000005c0: 2f 5d 2b 28 5c 64 2b 29 29 3f 28 5b 5c 73 28 29 /]+(\d+))?([\s()
 000005d0: 5c 2d 5c 2e 2f 5d 2b 28 5c 64 2b 29 29 3f 28 5b \-\./]+(\d+))?([
 000005e0: 5c 73 28 29 5c 2d 5c 2e 2f 5d 2b 28 5c 64 2b 29 \s()\-\./]+(\d+)
 000005f0: 29 3f 28 5b 5c 73 28 29 5c 2d 5c 2e 2f 5d 2b 28 )?([\s()\-\./]+(
 00000600: 5c 64 2b 29 29 3f 28 5b 5c 73 28 29 5c 2d 5c 2e \d+))?([\s()\-\.
 00000610: 2f 5d 2b 28 5c 64 2b 29 29 3f 28 5b 5c 73 28 29 /]+(\d+))?([\s()
 00000620: 5c 2d 5c 2e 2f 5d 2b 28 5c 64 2b 29 29 3f 28 5b \-\./]+(\d+))?([
 00000630: 5c 73 28 29 5c 2d 5c 2e 2f 5d 2b 28 5c 64 2b 29 \s()\-\./]+(\d+)
 00000640: 29 3f 5b 5c 73 5d 2a 0d 0a 2b 24 31 24 33 24 35 )?[\s]*..+$1$3$5
 00000650: 24 37 24 39 24 31 31 24 31 33 24 31 35 24 31 37 $7$9$11$13$15$17
 00000660: 24 31 39 24 32 31 0d 0a 28 5c 64 2b 29 28 5b 5c $19$21..(\d+)([\
 00000670: 73 28 29 5c 2d 5c 2e 2f 5d 2b 28 5c 64 2b 29 29 s()\-\./]+(\d+))
 00000680: 28 5b 5c 73 28 29 5c 2d 5c 2e 2f 5d 2b 28 5c 64 ([\s()\-\./]+(\d
 00000690: 2b 29 29 28 5b 5c 73 28 29 5c 2d 5c 2e 2f 5d 2b +))([\s()\-\./]+
 000006a0: 28 5c 64 2b 29 29 3f 28 5b 5c 73 28 29 5c 2d 5c (\d+))?([\s()\-\
 000006b0: 2e 2f 5d 2b 28 5c 64 2b 29 29 3f 28 5b 5c 73 28 ./]+(\d+))?([\s(
 000006c0: 29 5c 2d 5c 2e 2f 5d 2b 28 5c 64 2b 29 29 3f 5b )\-\./]+(\d+))?[
 000006d0: 5c 73 5d 2a 0d 0a 2b 24 31 24 33 24 35 24 37 24 \s]*..+$1$3$5$7$
 000006e0: 39 24 31 31 0d 0a 45 31 36 34 0d 0a 6e 75 6c 6c 9$11..E164..null
 000006f0: 0d 0a 5c 2b 2b 28 5c 64 2b 29 28 5b 5c 73 28 29 ..\++(\d+)([\s()
 00000700: 5c 2d 5c 2e 2f 5d 2b 28 5c 64 2b 29 29 3f 28 5b \-\./]+(\d+))?([
 00000710: 5c 73 28 29 5c 2d 5c 2e 2f 5d 2b 28 5c 64 2b 29 \s()\-\./]+(\d+)
 00000720: 29 3f 28 5b 5c 73 28 29 5c 2d 5c 2e 2f 5d 2b 28 )?([\s()\-\./]+(
 00000730: 5c 64 2b 29 29 3f 28 5b 5c 73 28 29 5c 2d 5c 2e \d+))?([\s()\-\.
 00000740: 2f 5d 2b 28 5c 64 2b 29 29 3f 28 5b 5c 73 28 29 /]+(\d+))?([\s()
 00000750: 5c 2d 5c 2e 2f 5d 2b 28 5c 64 2b 29 29 3f 28 5b \-\./]+(\d+))?([
 00000760: 5c 73 28 29 5c 2d 5c 2e 2f 5d 2b 28 5c 64 2b 29 \s()\-\./]+(\d+)
 00000770: 29 3f 28 5b 5c 73 28 29 5c 2d 5c 2e 2f 5d 2b 28 )?([\s()\-\./]+(
 00000780: 5c 64 2b 29 29 3f 28 5b 5c 73 28 29 5c 2d 5c 2e \d+))?([\s()\-\.
 00000790: 2f 5d 2b 28 5c 64 2b 29 29 3f 28 5b 5c 73 28 29 /]+(\d+))?([\s()
 000007a0: 5c 2d 5c 2e 2f 5d 2b 28 5c 64 2b 29 29 3f 28 5b \-\./]+(\d+))?([
 000007b0: 5c 73 28 29 5c 2d 5c 2e 2f 5d 2b 28 5c 64 2b 29 \s()\-\./]+(\d+)
 000007c0: 29 3f 5c 73 2a 5b 58 78 5d 2b 28 5c 64 7b 31 2c )?\s*[Xx]+(\d{1,
 000007d0: 31 35 7d 29 5b 5c 73 5d 2a 0d 0a 2b 24 31 24 33 15})[\s]*..+$1$3
 000007e0: 24 35 24 37 24 39 24 31 31 24 31 33 24 31 35 24 $5$7$9$11$13$15$
 000007f0: 31 37 24 31 39 24 32 31 3b 65 78 74 3d 24 32 32 17$19$21;ext=$22
 00000800: 0d 0a 5c 2b 2b 28 5c 64 2b 29 28 5b 5c 73 28 29 ..\++(\d+)([\s()
 00000810: 5c 2d 5c 2e 2f 5d 2b 28 5c 64 2b 29 29 3f 28 5b \-\./]+(\d+))?([
 00000820: 5c 73 28 29 5c 2d 5c 2e 2f 5d 2b 28 5c 64 2b 29 \s()\-\./]+(\d+)
 00000830: 29 3f 28 5b 5c 73 28 29 5c 2d 5c 2e 2f 5d 2b 28 )?([\s()\-\./]+(
 00000840: 5c 64 2b 29 29 3f 28 5b 5c 73 28 29 5c 2d 5c 2e \d+))?([\s()\-\.
 00000850: 2f 5d 2b 28 5c 64 2b 29 29 3f 28 5b 5c 73 28 29 /]+(\d+))?([\s()
 00000860: 5c 2d 5c 2e 2f 5d 2b 28 5c 64 2b 29 29 3f 28 5b \-\./]+(\d+))?([
 00000870: 5c 73 28 29 5c 2d 5c 2e 2f 5d 2b 28 5c 64 2b 29 \s()\-\./]+(\d+)
 00000880: 29 3f 28 5b 5c 73 28 29 5c 2d 5c 2e 2f 5d 2b 28 )?([\s()\-\./]+(
 00000890: 5c 64 2b 29 29 3f 28 5b 5c 73 28 29 5c 2d 5c 2e \d+))?([\s()\-\.
 000008a0: 2f 5d 2b 28 5c 64 2b 29 29 3f 28 5b 5c 73 28 29 /]+(\d+))?([\s()
 000008b0: 5c 2d 5c 2e 2f 5d 2b 28 5c 64 2b 29 29 3f 28 5b \-\./]+(\d+))?([
 000008c0: 5c 73 28 29 5c 2d 5c 2e 2f 5d 2b 28 5c 64 2b 29 \s()\-\./]+(\d+)
 000008d0: 29 3f 5b 5c 73 5d 2a 0d 0a 2b 24 31 24 33 24 35 )?[\s]*..+$1$3$5
 000008e0: 24 37 24 39 24 31 31 24 31 33 24 31 35 24 31 37 $7$9$11$13$15$17
 000008f0: 24 31 39 24 32 31 0d 0a 00 0e 00 14 00 00 00 00 $19$21..........
 00000900: 10 6d 61 6e 61 67 65 72 00 10 00 13 00 01 08 01 .manager........
 00000910: 0f 67 72 6f 75 70 54 79 70 65 00 15 00 12 00 02 .groupType......
 00000920: 01 00 00 70 72 6f 78 79 41 64 64 72 65 73 73 65 ...proxyAddresse
 00000930: 73 00 0b 00 11 00 00 00 00 0e 6d 61 69 6c 00 0e s.........mail..
 00000940: 00 10 00 00 20 00 0d 69 70 50 68 6f 6e 65 00 15 .... ..ipPhone..
 00000950: 00 0f 00 00 20 00 0c 6f 74 68 65 72 54 65 6c 65 .... ..otherTele
 00000960: 70 68 6f 6e 65 00 12 00 0e 00 00 20 00 0b 6f 74 phone...... ..ot
 00000970: 68 65 72 4d 6f 62 69 6c 65 00 0d 00 0d 00 00 28 herMobile......(
 00000980: 02 0b 6d 6f 62 69 6c 65 00 15 00 0c 00 00 20 00 ..mobile...... .
 00000990: 0a 6f 74 68 65 72 48 6f 6d 65 50 68 6f 6e 65 00 .otherHomePhone.
 000009a0: 10 00 0b 00 00 28 00 0a 68 6f 6d 65 50 68 6f 6e .....(..homePhon
 000009b0: 65 00 16 00 0a 00 00 28 02 09 74 65 6c 65 70 68 e......(..teleph
 000009c0: 6f 6e 65 4e 75 6d 62 65 72 00 22 00 09 00 00 08 oneNumber.".....
 000009d0: 02 08 6d 73 52 54 43 53 49 50 2d 50 72 69 6d 61 ..msRTCSIP-Prima
 000009e0: 72 79 55 73 65 72 41 64 64 72 65 73 73 00 21 00 ryUserAddress.!.
 000009f0: 08 00 00 00 00 07 70 68 79 73 69 63 61 6c 44 65 ......physicalDe
 00000a00: 6c 69 76 65 72 79 4f 66 66 69 63 65 4e 61 6d 65 liveryOfficeName
 00000a10: 00 0e 00 07 00 00 00 00 06 63 6f 6d 70 61 6e 79 .........company
 00000a20: 00 13 00 06 00 00 04 00 05 6d 61 69 6c 4e 69 63 .........mailNic
 00000a30: 6b 6e 61 6d 65 00 0c 00 05 00 00 00 00 04 74 69 kname.........ti
 00000a40: 74 6c 65 00 12 00 04 00 00 00 02 03 64 69 73 70 tle.........disp
 00000a50: 6c 61 79 4e 61 6d 65 00 09 00 03 00 00 00 00 02 layName.........
 00000a60: 73 6e 00 10 00 02 00 00 00 00 01 67 69 76 65 6e sn.........given
 00000a70: 4e 61 6d 65 00 21 00 01 00 00 00 00 ff 6d 73 45 Name.!.......msE
 00000a80: 78 63 68 48 69 64 65 46 72 6f 6d 41 64 64 72 65 xchHideFromAddre
 00000a90: 73 73 4c 69 73 74 73 00 66 01 0a ad 36 8c 97 5e ssLists.f...6..^
 00000aa0: dd 46 8d 5b 25 51 40 c5 2b 00 12 00 11 41 42 53 .F.[%Q@.+....ABS
 00000ab0: 55 73 65 72 31 40 75 72 74 65 73 74 2e 63 6f 6d User1@urtest.com
 00000ac0: 00 0f 35 35 35 2d 35 33 33 2d 34 33 31 32 00 0f ..555-533-4312..
 00000ad0: 74 65 6c 3a 2b 35 35 35 35 33 33 34 33 31 32 00 tel:+5555334312.
 00000ae0: 0d 35 35 35 2d 35 33 33 2d 34 33 31 33 00 0d 74 .555-533-4313..t
 00000af0: 65 6c 3a 2b 35 35 35 35 33 33 34 33 31 33 00 0c el:+5555334313..
 00000b00: 35 35 35 2d 33 39 31 2d 33 30 34 32 00 0c 74 65 555-391-3042..te
 00000b10: 6c 3a 2b 35 35 35 33 39 31 33 30 34 32 00 0b 35 l:+5553913042..5
 00000b20: 35 35 2d 35 36 36 2d 34 33 31 32 00 0b 74 65 6c 55-566-4312..tel
 00000b30: 3a 2b 35 35 35 35 36 36 34 33 31 32 00 0a 35 35 :+5555664312..55
 00000b40: 35 20 33 39 31 20 33 32 32 34 00 0a 74 65 6c 3a 5 391 3224..tel:
 00000b50: 2b 35 35 35 33 39 31 33 32 32 34 00 09 73 69 70 +5553913224..sip
 00000b60: 3a 41 42 53 55 73 65 72 31 40 75 72 74 65 73 74 :ABSUser1@urtest
 00000b70: 2e 72 74 6d 70 2e 73 65 6c 66 68 6f 73 74 2e 63 .rtmp.selfhost.c
 00000b80: 6f 72 70 2e 70 72 6F 73 65 77 61 72 65 2e 63 6f orp.proseware.co
 00000b90: 6d 00 08 31 32 33 34 35 00 07 54 65 73 74 43 6f m..12345..TestCo
 00000ba0: 6d 70 61 6e 79 00 05 44 65 76 65 6c 6f 70 6d 65 mpany..Developme
 00000bb0: 6e 74 20 4d 61 6e 61 67 65 72 00 04 41 42 53 55 nt Manager..ABSU
 00000bc0: 73 65 72 31 5f 64 69 73 70 6c 61 79 6e 61 6d 65 ser1_displayname
 00000bd0: 5f 63 68 61 6e 67 65 64 00 03 41 42 53 55 73 65 _changed..ABSUse
 00000be0: 72 31 5f 6c 61 73 74 6e 61 6d 65 00 02 41 42 53 r1_lastname..ABS
 00000bf0: 55 73 65 72 31 5f 66 69 72 73 74 6e 61 6d 65 00 User1_firstname.
 00000c00: a4 00 0b 41 e8 e1 c4 c8 22 40 93 ba b2 14 5e d6 ...A...."@....^.
 00000c10: d1 34 06 00 0a 35 35 35 2d 37 38 39 2d 36 36 36 .4...555-789-666
 00000c20: 36 00 0a 74 65 6c 3a 2b 35 35 35 37 38 39 36 36 6..tel:+55578966
 00000c30: 36 36 00 09 73 69 70 3a 41 42 53 55 73 65 72 35 66..sip:ABSUser5
 00000c40: 40 75 72 74 65 73 74 2e 72 74 6d 70 2e 73 65 6c @urtest.rtmp.sel
 00000c50: 66 68 6f 73 74 2e 63 6f 72 70 2e 70 72 6F 73 65 fhost.corp.prose
 00000c60: 77 61 72 65 2e 63 6f 6d 00 04 41 42 53 55 73 65 ware.com..ABSUse
 00000c70: 72 35 5f 64 69 73 70 6c 61 79 6e 61 6d 65 00 03 r5_displayname..
 00000c80: 41 42 53 55 73 65 72 35 5f 6c 61 73 74 6e 61 6d ABSUser5_lastnam
 00000c90: 65 00 02 41 42 53 55 73 65 72 35 5f 66 69 72 73 e..ABSUser5_firs
 00000ca0: 74 6e 61 6d 65 00 a6 00 1b 25 7c 47 42 db f6 4e tname....%|GB..N
 00000cb0: 9c 69 fa bb ec c6 7f 31 00 00 06 00 0a 35 35 35 .i.....1.....555
 00000cc0: 2d 37 38 33 2d 34 37 35 36 00 0a 74 65 6c 3a 2b -783-4756..tel:+
 00000cd0: 35 35 35 37 38 33 34 37 35 36 00 09 73 69 70 3a 5557834756..sip:
 00000ce0: 41 42 53 55 73 65 72 32 40 75 72 74 65 73 74 2e ABSUser2@urtest.
 00000cf0: 72 74 6d 70 2e 73 65 6c 66 68 6f 73 74 2e 63 6f rtmp.selfhost.co
 00000d00: 72 70 2e 70 72 6F 73 65 77 61 72 65 2e 63 6f 6d rp.proseware.com
 00000d10: 00 04 41 42 53 55 73 65 72 32 5f 64 69 73 70 6c ..ABSUser2_displ
 00000d20: 61 79 6e 61 6d 65 00 03 41 42 53 55 73 65 72 32 ayname..ABSUser2
 00000d30: 5f 6c 61 73 74 6e 61 6d 65 00 02 41 42 53 55 73 _lastname..ABSUs
 00000d40: 65 72 32 5f 66 69 72 73 74 6e 61 6d 65 00 12 00 er2_firstname...
 00000d50: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
 00000d60: 00 00 db df d2 dd 02 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 0c 00 ................
 00000d70: 00 00                                           ..