Receiving Application Data

If any data is received before the ConnectionState is 'Established', it is a violation of protocol and the server MUST close the virtual LongLived connection, as specified in section

The server sets the GetSessionReady state to TRUE so that the server can send application data at any time.

The server receives encapsulated application data over the POST session. The server passes the application data to a higher layer for processing. The server can keep track of the amount of octets received with the PostContentLength variable, to ensure that it does not exceed the ConnectionContentLength value. If the PostContentLength exceeds this value, it is a protocol violation and is handled as specified in section

If there is buffered data to be sent to the client, the sever can now send the data in one chunk<22> as specified in section

The NetworkReceiveIO timer MUST be restarted after each entity body fragment is received.