Proxy State Information

The following details about the state information define the context clients need to establish connections with proxies. This proxy configuration information MUST be provided to the client prior to connection establishment. The source of this configuration information is external to the KeepAlive Protocol<24>.

ProxyServerPort: The well-known port number of the target proxy. It is used for establishing a TCP connection to a proxy. By default this is the HTTP well known port 80/TCP or the HTTP alternate well known port 8080/TCP.

ProxyServerHostName: The host name of the target proxy. The name is in the form of an FQDN or an IP Address. If the name is an FQDN, then the client MUST resolve this name to its IP Address. There is no default value.

ProxyAuthRequired: A variable used to indicate if a proxy requires authentication. The client sets this variable to TRUE when it discovers that the proxy needs authentication during its first negotiation with the proxy. When the client initiates a new virtual connection through the same proxy, it SHOULD provide the cached credentials without waiting to be challenged to avoid the overhead of additional message exchanges.