Parse Security Elements

The public key information element "urn:groove.net:Cert" MUST be a child of the security element "urn:groove.net:SE" as defined in section for CreateAccountSEType and MUST have the attributes as defined in section for CertType.

The following attributes MUST be parsed and saved as the client's security information:

  • EPKAlgo attribute is the encryption public key algorithm.

  • EPubKey attribute is the encryption public key, DER encoded as defined in section 3.1.2.

  • EncAlgo attribute is the encryption algorithm.

  • SPKAlgo attribute is the signature public key algorithm.

  • SPubKey attribute is the signature public key, DER encoded as defined in section 3.1.2.

  • SigAlgo attribute is the signature algorithm.

    The signature algorithm name and the signature key algorithm name MUST both be "RSA". TheĀ  encryption algorithm and the encryption key algorithm names MUST be either "ELGAMAL" and "DH", or "RSA" and "RSA", respectively.