Global Configuration

The implementation maintains the following state variables:

SSTPPort: The TCP port on which to listen for incoming SSTP connections (1). The assigned port for SSTP over TCP is 2492 [IANAPORT].

Version: The supported version of the SSTP protocol. For implementations of SSTP 1.5, the version is 1.5 (MajorVersion 1, MinorVersion 5). For implementations of SSTP 1.6, the version is 1.6 (MajorVersion 1, MinorVersion 6). SSTP 1.6 implementations are able to handle SSTP 1.5 messages as well.

LocalDeviceURLs: Each SSTP device is assigned one or more unique DeviceURLs. The mechanism for assignment of this URL is application-dependent.

NumberOfConcurrentDeviceConnections: An optional application limit to the number of SSTP connections (1) between two devices.

MultidropSupported: A Boolean configuration value, which if set to true, indicates that the local application can accept incoming fanout sessions targeting multiple local resource handlers which are implemented on the receiving device. This MUST be false for a client device.

SingleHopSupported: A Boolean configuration value, which if set to true, indicates that the local application can accept incoming fanout sessions targeting resource handlers which are accessible only through a remote relay servers. This MUST be false for a client device.