Sending a FanoutOpen Command

The higher-layer MUST supply the OutboundFanoutAddressingList for the session. The sending device MUST set the common ResourceURL, and the IdentityURL, DeviceURL, and RelayURL fields of the FanoutDeviceEntries in the FanoutOpen command to the values provided by the higher-layer<14>. It is valid to specify a DeviceURL field as the empty string (0x00) to indicate an identity-targeted session. The RelayURL field of a FanoutDeviceEntry can be set to the empty string (0x00) for recipients that are associated with the connected relay server.

If the connection (1) Version state variable indicates that the sending connection (1) version is SSTP 1.6, then the higher-layer MUST also supply the FailoverDeviceURLs field of the FanoutDeviceEntries in the FanoutOpen command. The FailoverDeviceURLs field MUST be set to the empty string (0x00).

If the connection (1) Version state variable indicates that the sending connection (1) version is SSTP 1.5, the FailoverDeviceURLs field MUST NOT exist in the FanoutOpen command.

The higher-layer MUST maintain the OutboundFanoutAddressingList for the life of the session as the SessionStatus command returns state change notifications based on an index into the OutboundFanoutAddressingList.

Upon sending the FanoutOpen command, the sender’s session MUST be set to the ‘connecting’ state.