
The methods for the Content distributed object are as follows:

cConnectCompleted: This method is called when the server finishes setting up the initial state for the content. It does this by calling various other client-side calls to set initial properties.

cForceSync: This method is not used.

cSetCreationTime: This method tells the client what time the content was created on the server (2).

  • creationTime (string): The time the content was created, in UTC time in string format.

cSetLastUsedTime: This method tells the client the time when the content was last used or presented on the server (2).

  • lastUsedtime (string): The time the content was last used, in UTC time in string format.

cSetNativeFileInfo: If the content has a "native file", such as the original PowerPoint document, attached to it, this method is used to communicate the file name, decryption keys, hash, and file size.

  • fileName (string): Name of the native file.

  • key (byte[]): Byte array containing the decryption key.

  • iv (byte[]): Byte array containing the initialization vector for decryption.

  • hash (byte[]): Byte array containing the hash for this file.

  • fileSize (Int64): The size of the file.

cSetOwnerId: This method informs the client of the ContentUser identifier of the owner, or the person who created and uploaded this content.

  • id (Int64): The server-generated integer of the ContentUser identifier.

cSetPresentInfo: This method informs the client who the current active presenter is for this content, if any, and the current presented state. ContentManager’s cSetActiveContent MUST be sent in addition to this because it is more accurate.

  • presented (Boolean): Whether or not this content is in a presented state.

  • presenterId (Int64): A server-generated integer that represents the ContentUser identifier of the user who is the active presenter of this content.

cSetPresentationOrder: This method informs the client what the current order is for showing content. The highest number is the most recently presented content.

  • presentationOrder (Int64): Presentation order. Zero ("0") if the content is not presented.

cSetTitle: This method informs the client what the title of the content is.

  • title (string): Title of the content.

cSetTitleComplete: This method informs the client about the success or failure of an sSetTitle call.

  • status (Int32 - SetTitleStatus): Status, either success or failure, of the sSetTitle call.

  • title (string): Title that was requested for the content.

cSetVisibility: This method informs the client what the current visibility of this content is.

  • visibility (Int32 - ContentVisibility): Value representing the visibility.

cSetOriginalFileUrl<20>: This method informs the client what the original file URL of the content is, if it is available. This MAY be used when the content file is on a shared location.

  • originalFileUrl (string): Original File URL of the content.

cSetViewingUrl<21>: This method informs the client what the viewing URL of the content is, if it is available. This MAY be used when the content can be viewed via an URL.

  • viewingUrl (string): Viewing URL of the content.

cSetRecordingUrl<22>: This method informs the client what the recording URL of the content is, if it is available. This MAY be used when the content can be recorded via an URL.

  • recordingUrl (string): Recording URL of the content.

cSetSecondaryViewingUrl<23>: This method informs the client what the secondary viewing URL of the content is, if it is available. Secondary viewing URL MUST be sent before the primary one.

  • viewingUrl (string): Secondary viewing URL of the content.