
 [Name="Microsoft.Rtc.Server.DataMCU.Meeting.PptContent", Version=2]
 DOInterface PptContent
         void sSetLocation(String location);
         void sSetResourceErrorCode(
             Int32 beginSlide, 
             Int32 endSlide, 
             Int32 format,   
             Int32 errorCode);
         void cConnectCompleted();
         void cErrorAddingResource(
             Int32 resourceId, 
             Int32 errorCode);
         void cSetFullPptFileInfo(
             String url, 
             Byte[] key, 
             Byte[] iv, 
             Byte[] hash);
         void cSetLocation(String location);
         void cSetNotesInfo(
             String url, 
             Int32[] slideNumbers, 
             Byte[] key, 
             Byte[] iv, 
             Byte[] hash);
         void cSetPartialPptFileInfo(
             String url, 
             Int32[] slideNumbers, 
             Byte[] key, 
             Byte[] iv, 
             Byte[] hash);
         void cSetPreviewThumbnailFileInfo(
             String url,
             Byte[] key, 
             Byte[] iv, 
             Byte[] hash);
         void cSetResourceErrorCode(
             Int32 beginSlide, 
             Int32 endSlide, 
             Int32 format, 
             Int32 errorCode);    
         void cSetSlideCount(Int32 slideCount);
         void cSetSlideDhtmlMarkupInfo(
             Int32 slideNumber,
             Int32 clickCount,
             String markupUrl,
             String[] resourceOriginalFileNames,
             Byte[] key,
             Byte[] iv,
             Byte[] hash);
         void cSetSlideDhtmlResourceInfo(
             String resourceOriginalFileName,
             String url,
             Byte[] key,
             Byte[] iv,
             Byte[] hash);
         void cSetSlideJpegInfo(
             Int32 slideNumber, 
             String url, 
             Byte[] key, 
             Byte[] iv, 
             Byte[] hash);
         void cSetThumbnailFileInfo(
             String[] files, 
             String url,
             Byte[] key,
             Byte[] iv,
             Byte[] hash);
         (annotationContainer, AnnotationContainer)

The following is the interface definition of the PptContent distributed object for version 11<6>. Note that there are no method changes between version 2 and version 11. The only change is in the version number.

 [Name="Microsoft.Rtc.Server.DataMCU.Meeting.PptContent", Version=11]
 DOInterface PptContent
         void sSetLocation(String location);
         void sSetResourceErrorCode(
             Int32 beginSlide, 
             Int32 endSlide, 
             Int32 format,   
             Int32 errorCode);
         void cConnectCompleted();
         void cErrorAddingResource(
             Int32 resourceId, 
             Int32 errorCode);
         void cSetFullPptFileInfo(
             String url, 
             Byte[] key, 
             Byte[] iv, 
             Byte[] hash);
         void cSetLocation(String location);
         void cSetNotesInfo(
             String url, 
             Int32[] slideNumbers, 
             Byte[] key, 
             Byte[] iv, 
             Byte[] hash);
         void cSetPartialPptFileInfo(
             String url, 
             Int32[] slideNumbers, 
             Byte[] key, 
             Byte[] iv, 
             Byte[] hash);
         void cSetPreviewThumbnailFileInfo(
             String url,
             Byte[] key, 
             Byte[] iv, 
             Byte[] hash);
         void cSetResourceErrorCode(
             Int32 beginSlide, 
             Int32 endSlide, 
             Int32 format, 
             Int32 errorCode);    
         void cSetSlideCount(Int32 slideCount);
         void cSetSlideDhtmlMarkupInfo(
             Int32 slideNumber,
             Int32 clickCount,
             String markupUrl,
             String[] resourceOriginalFileNames,
             Byte[] key,
             Byte[] iv,
             Byte[] hash);
         void cSetSlideDhtmlResourceInfo(
             String resourceOriginalFileName,
             String url,
             Byte[] key,
             Byte[] iv,
             Byte[] hash);
         void cSetSlideJpegInfo(
             Int32 slideNumber, 
             String url, 
             Byte[] key, 
             Byte[] iv, 
             Byte[] hash);
         void cSetThumbnailFileInfo(
             String[] files, 
             String url,
             Byte[] key,
             Byte[] iv,
             Byte[] hash);
         (annotationContainer, AnnotationContainer)