2.2.4 Complex Types
The following table summarizes the set of common XML schema complex type definitions defined by this specification. XML schema complex type definitions that are specific to a particular operation are described with the operation.
Complex type |
Description |
ArrayOfanyType |
A complex type that specifies a list of xs:anyType [XMLSCHEMA1] (section 3.4.7) elements. |
ArrayOfBroadcastAnimationStepData |
A complex type that SHOULD<1> specify a list of BroadcastAnimationStepData (section elements. |
ArrayOfCapabilityData |
Reserved. MUST be ignored. |
ArrayOfCT_Anim |
A complex type that specifies a list of CT_Anim (section elements. |
ArrayOfCT_AnimList |
A complex type that specifies a list of CT_AnimList (section elements. |
ArrayOfCT_Comment |
A complex type that SHOULD<2> specify a list of CT_Comment (section elements. |
ArrayOfCT_CommentThread |
A complex type that SHOULD<3> specify a list of CT_CommentThread (section elements. |
ArrayOfCT_Error |
A complex type that specifies a list of CT_Error (section elements. |
ArrayOfCT_ImageRegionUse |
A complex type that specifies a list of CT_ImageRegionUse (section elements. |
ArrayOfCT_ResourceEntry |
A complex type that specifies a list of CT_ResourceEntry (section elements. |
ArrayOfCT_Shape |
A complex type that specifies a list of CT_Shape (section elements. |
ArrayOfCT_Slide |
A complex type that SHOULD<4> specify a list of CT_Slide (section elements. |
ArrayOfCT_SlideEntry |
A complex type that specifies a list of CT_SlideEntry (section elements. |
ArrayOfstring |
A complex type that specifies a list of xs:string ([XMLSCHEMA2] section 3.2.1) elements. |
ArrayOfunsignedInt |
A complex type that specifies a list of xs:unsignedInt ([XMLSCHEMA2] section 3.3.22) elements. |
ArrayOfVersion |
Reserved. MUST be ignored. |
BroadcastAnimationStepData |
A complex type that SHOULD<5> specify a step in an animation timeline. |
BroadcastData |
A complex type that SHOULD<6> specify the slide show broadcast state data. |
BroadcastFile |
Reserved. MUST be ignored. |
BroadcastHostInfo |
Reserved. MUST be ignored. |
BroadcastProtocolInfo |
Reserved. MUST be ignored. |
CapabilityData |
Reserved. MUST be ignored. |
ClientInfo |
Reserved. MUST be ignored. |
CT_Action |
A complex type that specifies information about a slide navigation action. |
CT_Anim |
A complex type that specifies a shape animation. |
CT_AnimIteration |
A complex type that specifies timing information for the individual regions of an animation. |
CT_AnimList |
A complex type that specifies a list of animations. |
CT_AnimRepeatOption |
A complex type that specifies the animation repeat settings for an animation. |
CT_AnimTiming |
A complex type that specifies timing information for an animation. |
CT_BackgroundDesc |
A complex type that specifies the background appearance of a presentation slide. |
CT_Comment |
CT_CommentThread |
A complex type that SHOULD<8> specify a comment thread. |
CT_CustomShow |
A complex type that specifies a custom slide show in the form of a sequence of slide identifiers. |
CT_EmptyType |
A complex type that represents an empty type. Can be used where no specific element needs to be present. |
CT_Error |
Reserved. MUST be ignored. |
CT_ErrorInfo |
Reserved. MUST be ignored. |
CT_GenericImageRegion |
A complex type that specifies the image region for a single image relative to a larger image cluster. |
CT_Hyperlink |
A complex type that specifies a hyperlink. |
CT_ImageBackground |
A complex type that specifies the image region for a background image relative to a larger image cluster. |
CT_ImageGraph |
A complex type that specifies information about images that are required to display an animation, consisting of the primary image and an optional list of image variations. |
CT_ImageRegionUse |
A complex type that specifies an image region along with its layout position. |
CT_IndexRange |
A complex type that specifies a zero-based index range of a list. |
CT_InteractiveAnimUse |
A complex type that specifies information about an animation trigger. |
CT_LayoutPosition |
A complex type that specifies a two dimensional position. |
CT_Media |
A complex type that SHOULD<9> specify information about a media object. |
CT_MediaCtrl |
A complex type that SHOULD<10> specify a user interface region for a media element on a presentation slide. |
CT_MediaLink |
A complex type that SHOULD<11> specify a media object that is stored externally to the presentation. |
CT_MediaLocal |
A complex type that SHOULD<12> specify a media object that is stored within the presentation. |
CT_MotionPath |
A complex type that specifies a motion path. |
CT_MotionPathCurveCmd |
A complex type that specifies a curved segment of a motion path. The curve is described as a Bezier curve with three control points. |
CT_MotionPathLineCmd |
A complex type that specifies a linear segment of a motion path. |
CT_MotionPathMoveCmd |
A complex type that specifies the next point of a motion path. |
CT_Point2D |
A complex type that SHOULD<13> specify a two dimensional point. |
CT_PresentationShowInfo |
A complex type that specifies the detailed information for showing a presentation. |
CT_Rectangle |
A complex type that specifies a rectangle. |
CT_ResourceEntry |
A complex type that specifies a resource description. |
CT_ScaleBy |
A complex type that specifies the scale factors for animations that use scale effects. |
CT_Shape |
A complex type that specifies a shape object. |
CT_ShowProperties |
A complex type that specifies the slides that will be shown in a slide show. |
CT_Slide |
A complex type that specifies a presentation slide. |
CT_SlideEntry |
A complex type that specifies the basic information of a presentation slide. |
CT_SlideLayoutInfo |
A complex type that specifies layout information for a presentation slide. |
CT_SlideShowInfo |
A complex type that specifies detailed information for showing a presentation slide. |
CT_SlideShowTimings |
A complex type that specifies timing information for a slide show. |
CT_SolidFill |
A complex type that specifies the information for a solid fill. |
CT_Transition |
A complex type that specifies a slide transition. |
CT_ViewingBackEndPerformanceMetrics |
Reserved. MUST be ignored. |
CT_ViewingFrontEndPerformanceMetrics |
Reserved. MUST be ignored. |
CT_ViewingPresentationPerformanceMetrics |
Reserved. MUST be ignored. |
CT_ViewingSlidePerformanceMetrics |
Reserved. MUST be ignored. |
PptViewingService.BinaryConversionResult |
A complex type that specifies the result of a binary conversion. |
PptViewingService.PrintResult |
A complex type that SHOULD<14> specify the result of a print operation. |
ServerInfo |
Reserved. MUST be ignored. |
ServiceError |
A complex type that specifies error information returned by the protocol server to a protocol client. |
ServiceResult |
A complex type that specifies the result of a protocol method. The protocol server returns this type to the protocol client containing either a successful Result element or an Error element. |
SlideInfoResult |
Reserved. MUST be ignored. |
Version |
Reserved. MUST be ignored. |