2.2 Elements

A Custom UI document contains customizations of an application's UI. Customizations are mainly of two types:

§ Modifications of the application's built-in UI, such as hiding or disabling built-in UI controls or repurposing command actions.

§ Creation of custom UI controls, such as a custom ribbon tab, menu item, or quick access toolbar button.

For example, consider the following Custom UI document:

 <customUI xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2006/01/customui">
     <command idMso="Bold" enabled="false" />
       <tab idMso="TabHome" visible="false" />
       <tab id="CustomTab" label="Custom Tab">
         <group id="CustomGroup" label="Custom Group">
           <button id="CustomButton" label="Custom Button" 
             size="large" imageMso="HappyFace" onAction="OnButtonClick" />
     </tabs >

This example disables the command with an identifier of "Bold", hides the ribbon tab with an identifier of "TabHome", and creates a new custom ribbon tab with a custom button in it.

The full XML Schema Definition of the XML Schema fragments listed in this section is defined in Appendix A of [MS-CUSTOMUI2].