2.3.28 CT_ComboBox

Target namespace: http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2009/07/customui

Referenced by: CT_Box, CT_Group

Specifies a standard combo box control.

Child Elements:

item: A CT_Item element.


showItemImage: A Boolean attribute that specifies whether this control displays icons on its selection items.

getItemCount: An ST_Delegate attribute, as specified in section 2.4.12, that specifies the name of a callback function that is called to determine the number of dynamically created selection items in this control. If this attribute is omitted, the control displays the selection items that are specified as child elements. If this attribute is omitted and no child items are specified, the control is empty. If both this attribute and child items are specified, the child items are ignored.

getItemLabel: An ST_Delegate attribute that specifies the name of a callback function that is called to determine the labels of dynamically created selection items in this control. If this attribute is omitted, dynamically created selection items do not display labels.

getItemScreentip: An ST_Delegate attribute that specifies the name of a callback function that is called to determine the tooltips of dynamically created selection items in this control. If this attribute is omitted, dynamically created selection items do not display tooltips.

getItemSupertip: An ST_Delegate attribute that specifies the name of a callback function that is called to determine the Enhanced ScreenTips of dynamically created selection items in this control. If this attribute is omitted, dynamically created selection items do not display Enhanced ScreenTips.

getItemImage: An ST_Delegate attribute that specifies the name of a callback function that is called to determine the icons of dynamically created selection items in this control. If this attribute is omitted, dynamically created selection items do not display icons.

getItemID: An ST_Delegate attribute that specifies the name of a callback function that is called to determine the identifiers of dynamically created selection items in this control. If this attribute is omitted, dynamically created selection items have empty identifiers.

invalidateContentOnDrop: A Boolean attribute that specifies whether this control invalidates its contents and requeries for them each time the user opens its drop-down menu.

maxLength: An ST_StringLength attribute, as specified in section 2.4.25, that specifies an integer that is used as the maximum length, in characters, of strings that are entered into the control. If this attribute is omitted, the length of the input string is not limited except by application-specific constraints.

getText: An ST_Delegate attribute, as specified in section 2.4.12, that specifies the name of a callback function that is called to determine the text inside of the edit box control. If this attribute is omitted, the control defaults to no text.

onChange: An ST_Delegate attribute that specifies the name of a callback function that is called when the text in the edit box has been changed.

sizeString: An ST_String attribute, as specified in section 2.4.24, that specifies a string for which the size is used to determine the width of the text input area of this control. If this attribute is omitted, the size of the control is determined by the application.

id: An ST_UniqueID attribute, as specified in section 2.4.27, that specifies the identifier of a custom control. All custom controls MUST have unique identifiers. The id, idQ, and idMso attributes are mutually exclusive. Exactly one of these attributes MUST be specified on all controls.

idQ: An ST_QID attribute, as specified in section 2.4.22, that specifies the qualified identifier of a control. This attribute is used to reference controls or containers created by other Custom UI documents. The id, idQ, and idMso attributes are mutually exclusive. Exactly one of these attributes MUST be specified on all controls.

tag: An ST_String attribute, as specified in section 2.4.24, that specifies an arbitrary string that provides additional information about this control during callback function calls. If this attribute is omitted, the value defaults to an empty string.

idMso: An ST_ID attribute, as specified in section 2.4.17, that specifies the identifier of a built-in control. The id, idQ, and idMso attributes are mutually exclusive. Exactly one of these attributes MUST be specified.

image: An ST_Uri attribute, as specified in section 2.4.28, that specifies the relationship identifier of an image file that is used as the icon for this control. The image, getImage, and imageMso attributes are mutually exclusive. They MUST NOT be used together. If none of these attributes are specified, an icon is not displayed.

imageMso: An ST_ID attribute, as specified in section 2.4.17, that specifies the identifier of a built-in image that is used as the icon for this control. The image, getImage, and imageMso attributes are mutually exclusive. They MUST NOT be used together. If none of these attributes are specified, an icon is not displayed.

getImage: An ST_Delegate attribute, as specified in section 2.4.12, that specifies the name of a callback function that is called to determine the icon of this control. The image, getImage, and imageMso attributes are mutually exclusive. They MUST NOT be used together. If none of these attributes are specified, an icon is not displayed.

screentip: An ST_String attribute, as specified in section 2.4.24, that specifies a string that is displayed as the tooltip for this control. The screentip and getScreentip attributes are mutually exclusive. They MUST NOT be used together. If neither attribute is specified, a tooltip is not displayed.

getScreentip: An ST_Delegate attribute that specifies the name of a callback function that is called to determine the tooltip of this control. The screentip and getScreentip attributes are mutually exclusive. They MUST NOT be used together. If neither attribute is specified, a tooltip is not displayed.

supertip: An ST_String attribute that specifies a string that is displayed as the Enhanced ScreenTip of this control. The supertip and getSupertip attributes are mutually exclusive. They MUST NOT be used together. If neither attribute is specified, an Enhanced ScreenTip is not displayed.

getSupertip: An ST_Delegate attribute that specifies the name of a callback function that is called to determine the Enhanced ScreenTip of this control. The supertip and getSupertip attributes are mutually exclusive. They MUST NOT be used together. If neither attribute is specified, an Enhanced ScreenTip is not displayed.

enabled: A Boolean attribute that specifies the enabled state of this control. The enabled and getEnabled attributes are mutually exclusive. They MUST NOT be used together. If neither attribute is specified, the control defaults to being enabled.

getEnabled: An ST_Delegate attribute that specifies the name of a callback function that is called to determine the enabled state of this control. The enabled and getEnabled attributes are mutually exclusive. They MUST NOT be used together. If neither attribute is specified, the control defaults to being enabled.

label: An ST_String attribute that specifies a string that is displayed as the label of this control. The label and getLabel attributes are mutually exclusive. They MUST NOT be used together. If neither attribute is specified, a label is not displayed.

getLabel: An ST_Delegate attribute that specifies the name of a callback function that is called to determine the label of this control. The label and getLabel attributes are mutually exclusive. They MUST NOT be used together. If neither attribute is specified, a label is not displayed.

insertAfterMso: An ST_ID attribute that specifies the identifier of a built-in control after which this control will be inserted. The insertAfterMso, insertAfterQ, insertBeforeMso, and insertBeforeQ attributes are mutually exclusive. They MUST NOT be used together. If none of these attributes is specified, the controls will be appended to the existing set of controls, in the order they are defined in the XML.

insertBeforeMso: An ST_ID attribute that specifies the identifier of a built-in control before which this control will be inserted. The insertAfterMso, insertAfterQ, insertBeforeMso, and insertBeforeQ attributes are mutually exclusive. They MUST NOT be used together. If none of these attributes is specified, the controls will be appended to the existing set of controls, in the order they are defined in the XML.

insertAfterQ: An ST_QID attribute, as specified in section 2.4.22, that specifies the qualified identifier of a control after which this control will be inserted. The insertAfterMso, insertAfterQ, insertBeforeMso, and insertBeforeQ attributes are mutually exclusive. They MUST NOT be used together. If none of these attributes is specified, the controls will be appended to the existing set of controls, in the order they are defined in the XML.

insertBeforeQ: An ST_QID attribute that specifies the qualified identifier of a control before which this control will be inserted. The insertAfterMso, insertAfterQ, insertBeforeMso, and insertBeforeQ attributes are mutually exclusive. They MUST NOT be used together. If none of these attributes is specified, the controls will be appended to the existing set of controls, in the order they are defined in the XML.

visible: A Boolean attribute that specifies the visibility state of this control. The visible and getVisible attributes are mutually exclusive. They MUST NOT be used together. If neither attribute is specified, the control defaults to being visible.

getVisible: An ST_Delegate attribute that specifies the name of a callback function that is called to determine the visibility state of this control. The visible and getVisible attributes are mutually exclusive. They MUST NOT be used together. If neither attribute is specified, the control defaults to being visible.

keytip: An ST_Keytip attribute, as specified in section 2.4.19, that specifies a string that is displayed as the KeyTip for this control. The keytip and getKeytip attributes are mutually exclusive. They MUST NOT be used together. If neither attribute is specified, a KeyTip is not displayed.

getKeytip: An ST_Delegate attribute that specifies the name of a callback function that is called to determine the KeyTip for this control. The keytip and getKeytip attributes are mutually exclusive. They MUST NOT be used together. If neither attribute is specified, a KeyTip is not displayed.

showLabel: A Boolean attribute that specifies whether the label for this control will be displayed. The showLabel and getShowLabel attributes are mutually exclusive. They MUST NOT be used together. If neither attribute is specified, the label of the control will be displayed.

getShowLabel: An ST_Delegate attribute that specifies the name of a callback function that is called to determine whether to display the label of this control. The showLabel and getShowLabel attributes are mutually exclusive. They MUST NOT be used together. If neither attribute is specified, the label of the control will be displayed.

showImage: A Boolean attribute that specifies whether the icon for this control will be displayed. The showImage and getShowImage attributes are mutually exclusive. They MUST NOT be used together. If neither attribute is specified, the icon of the control will be displayed.

getShowImage: An ST_Delegate attribute that specifies the name of a callback function that is called to determine whether to display the icon of this control. The showImage and getShowImage attributes are mutually exclusive. They MUST NOT be used together. If neither attribute is specified, the icon of the control will be displayed.

The following W3C XML Schema ([XMLSCHEMA1/2] section 2.1) fragment specifies the contents of this complex type.

 <xsd:complexType name="CT_ComboBox">
     <xsd:extension base="CT_EditBox">
         <xsd:element name="item" type="CT_Item" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1000"/>
       <xsd:attributeGroup ref="AG_DropDownAttributes"/>
       <xsd:attributeGroup ref="AG_DynamicContentAttributes"/>

See section 5.1 for the full W3C XML Schema ([XMLSCHEMA1/2] section 2.1).