1.3.7 WordprocessingML Drawing

WordprocessingML drawing extensions integrate graphical objects into WordprocessingML documents. See 2.2.7 for a discussion of how these objects are integrated and how interoperation with clients that conform to the Office Open XML file formats, as described in [ISO/IEC29500-1:2016], is achieved.

The primary graphical objects introduced are the following:

  • Shapes are represented by the wsp element of type CT_WordprocessingShape (section

  • Groups of graphical objects are represented by the wgp element of type CT_WordprocessingGroup (section

  • Canvases are represented by the wpc element of type CT_WordprocessingCanvas (section

  • Ink objects are represented by the contentPart element of type CT_WordContentPart (section

Groups and canvases are similar in structure, but have different behavior. Both groups and canvases can contain any graphical object as a graphic element as described in [ISO/IEC29500-1:2016] section in addition to other shapes, pictures, groups, and ink.

Additionally, the picture type defined for WordprocessingML as described in [ISO/IEC29500-1:2016] section has been extended to enable styling information to be applied.

Moreover, the picture non-visual picture properties represented by the element cNvPicPr of type CT_NonVisualPictureProperties (as specified in [ISO/IEC29500-1:2016] section was extended to represent properties for a control or object using a CT_ObjectPr element defined as objectPr.