keymaps (Key Map Customizations)

This element serves as a container for individual key map customization entries that can be described on the current keyboard. See keymapsBad (§, keymapsBad) for more information on key map entries that cannot be described on the current keyboard.

On write, key maps are placed under keymaps or keymapsBad elements based on the current keyboard, not based on the element they were specified under originally. Key map elements can therefore be moved between these two parent elements depending on the current keyboard. Moreover, either type of key map may be validly defined under either element, but upon resaving each will be moved under the correct element.

If a conflict occurs between a KCM and CHM for a given key mapping, then the KCM will be used. Upon writing a file, Word will also add a valid KCM attribute for any key map entries that have specified a CHM.

[Example: Consider the following key mapping fragment:

      <wne:keymap wne:kcmPrimary="0342">
         <wne:fci wne:fciName="Bold" />
      <wne:keymap wne:kcmPrimary="0237">
         <wne:wch wne:val="000020AC" />

In this example, the fragment specifies two key maps. The first will make the selected text bold when the key combination Control-Shift-B is pressed. The second inserts the Euro currency symbol when Control-7 is pressed. end example]

Parent Elements

tcg3., tcg)

Child Elements


keymap (Key Map Entry)

§, keymap

The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this element:

 <complexType name="CT_Keymaps">
     <element name="keymap" type="CT_Keymap" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>