2.1.1595 Part 1 Section, ST_Shape (Shape)

a.   The standard states that the pyramidToMax enumeration value specifies the chart shall be drawn with truncated cones such that the point of the cone would be the maximum data value.

In Office, pyramidToMax specifies that the chart shall be drawn as truncated rectangular pyramids such that the point of the pyramid would be at the highest value in the chart. The pyramid is truncated at the data marker’s value.

b.   The standard states that coneToMax enumeration value specifies that the chart shall be drawn with truncated cones such that the point of the cone would be the maximum data value.

In Office, coneToMax to specifies that the chart shall be drawn as truncated cones, such that the point of the cone would be at the highest value in the chart. The cone is truncated at the data marker’s value.