2.1.829 Part 1 Section 18.13.1, connection (Connection)

a.   The standard states that when @interval is not present, the connection is not automatically refreshed.

In Office, @interval = 0 also indicates the connection is not automatically refreshed.

b.   The standard states that the values of the interval attribute are defined by the XML Schema unsignedInt datatype.

Excel restricts the value of this attribute to be at most 32767.

c.   The standard does not limit the length of the value of the name attribute.

Excel restricts the value of this attribute to be at least 1 and at most 255 characters.

d.   The standard states that the name attribute is optional.

Excel requires this attribute.

e.   The standard defines values for @type through 8, with 8 being DSP.

Office assumes that there are 9 possible values, and that values 8 and 9 are unused/reserved.

f.   The standard does not limit the length of the value of the description attribute.

Excel restricts the value of this attribute to be at most 255 characters.

g.   The standard does not limit the length of the value of the singleSignOnId attribute.

Excel restricts the value of this attribute to be at most 255 characters.

h.   The standard does not limit the length of the value of the odcFile attribute.

Excel restricts the value of this attribute to be at most 255 characters.

i.   The standard does not limit the length of the value of the sourceFile attribute.

Excel restricts the value of this attribute to be at most 255 characters.

j.   The standard states that the type attribute is optional.

Excel requires this attribute.

k.   The standard states that @reconnectionMethod specifies what the spreadsheet application should do when a connection fails.

In Office, @reconnectionMethod is ignored if @onlyUseConnectionFile is set to true.

l.   The standard states that @refreshedVersion applies to connections that are used by a query table.

In Office, @refreshedVersion is used by both pivot caches and query tables.

m.   The standard states that @minRefreshableVersion applies to connections that are used by a QueryTable.

In Office, @minRefreshableVersion applies to both pivot caches and query tables.

n.   The standard does not place restrictions on when the saveData attribute is used.

Office only uses the saveData attribute for query tables. It is ignored for PivotTables. When the saveData attribute is false, the refreshFileOnLoad attribute must be true.

o.   The standard states that @type=3 denotes a file based database source.

Office does not use the value 3 for @type.