2.1.1836 Part 4 Section, r (Rule)

a.   The standard indicates how the how attribute is used.

Office does not support the how attribute.

b.   The standard places no restrictions on how the type attribute is used.

Office requires that the shape referenced by the idref attribute match the rule type specified by this attribute. If the value is arc, idref shall reference a valid shape that is an arc (the value of the shape’s spt attribute is 19).  If the value is callout, idref shall reference a valid shape that is a callout.  If the value is connector, idref shall reference a valid shape that is a connector.

c.   The standard indicates that align is valid value for the type attribute.

Office does not support the align value for the type attribute.

d.   The standard states that values of the idref attribute are defined by the XML Schema string datatype.

Office defines the values of the idref attribute with the ST_ObjIDRef (§3.9.4, ST_ObjIDRef) simple type.