2.1.590 Part 1 Section, c (Cell)

a.   The standard states that @cm is zero-based index and does not specify the collection.

Office specifies that @cm is a one-based index into the cellMetadata collection in the metadata part.

b.   The standard states that @vm is a zero-based index and does not specify the collection.

Office specifies that @vm is a one-based index into cellMetadata collection in the metadata part.

c.   The standard makes @r optional in the schema, but the prose does not explain the meaning of the default behavior.

If this attribute is not specified, the cell shall be located in the column with the index that is 1 greater than that of the previous cell in the parent row collection. If this attribute is not specified and the cell is the first c element in the parent row collection, the cell shall be located in the first column.

d.   The standard states that the values of the cm attributes are defined by the XML Schema unsignedInt datatype.

Office requires that the cm attribute be less than 2147483648.

e.   The standard specifies that @vm is an unsignedInt.

Office specifies that @vm is an unsignedInt and is less than 2147483648.

f.   The standard specifies that @s is unsignedInt.

Office specifies @s is an unsignedInt between 0 and 65490.

g.   The standard does not specify which collection @s indexes.

Office specifies that @s indexes into the cellXfs collection in the style part.

h.   The standard incorrectly describes the style index in the example as "6", which conflicts with the XML fragment.

In Excel, the style index in the example should read "1" which matches the XML fragment.