2.1.1143 Part 1 Section 19.5.6, animScale (Animate Scale)

For additional notes that apply to this portion of the standard, please see the notes for tnLst, §19.5.87(b).

a.   The standard places no restrictions on the number of attrName child elements parented by the attrNameLst element when inside the animScale element, nor what the values of those attrName elements should be.

PowerPoint requires that there be at least two attrName child elements of the attrNameLst element when inside an animScale element; their values should be ScaleX and ScaleY.

b.   The standard states that the zoomContents attribute specifies whether to zoom the contents of an object when doing a scaling animation.

PowerPoint does not support the zoomContents attribute.

c.   The standard states that the animScale element specifies the scale animation of an object.

In Office, the three attributes from(From), to(To), and by(By) must be used in one of the following combinations:

from_to: when from(From) and to(To) are defined;

from_by: when from(From) and by(By) are defined but to(To) is undefined;

to_only: when to(To) is defined but from(From) is undefined;

by_only: when by(By) is defined but from(From) and to(To) are undefined.

All other combinations are invalid.

For to_only, the starting value of animation is (0, 0) for “ScaleX” and “ScaleY”. For by_only, the starting value of animation is (1, 1) for “ScaleX” and “ScaleY”. The attribute by(By) is ignored in from_to and to_only combinations.