2.1.646 Part 1 Section, scenario (Scenario)

a.   The standard states that the values of the count attribute are defined by the XML Schema unsignedInt datatype.

Excel restricts the value of this attribute to be at least 1 and at most 32.

b.   The standard states that the maxOccurs value for the inputCells child element is unbounded.

Excel limits the occurrences of this element to 32.

c.   The standard does not limit the length of the value of the name attribute.

Excel restricts the value of this attribute to be at most 255 characters, after decoding.

d.   The standard states that the name attribute must be unique for the workbook.

Office only requires that the name attribute be unique for each worksheet (allows duplicates in a workbook).

e.   The standard does not limit the length of the value of the user attribute.

Excel restricts the value of this attribute to be at least 1 and at most 54 characters, after decoding.

f.   The standard does not limit the length of the value of the comment attribute.

Excel restricts the value of this attribute to be at most 255 characters, after decoding.