2.1.144 Part 1 Section 17.4.32, shd (Table Cell Shading)

a.   The standard does not state which setting is applied when both the themeShade and the themeTint attributes are present.

Word applies the themeTint setting when both of these attributes are present.

b.   The standard states that if the shd element is omitted, then the cell shading is determined by the table-level or table-level exception cell shading settings.

In Word if the shd element is omitted, then the cell shading is determined by the table style.

c.   The standard specifies that the val attribute is both required and optional.

Word treats the val attribute as required.

d.   The standard states that if the themeFill attribute is omitted, the color attribute is used.

Because themeFill is the theme color equivalent of fill, if themeFill is omitted, Word uses the fill attribute in its place.