2.1.315 Part 1 Section, commentRangeStart (Comment Anchor Range Start)

For additional notes that apply to this portion of the standard, please see the notes for sdt, §; sdt, §; sdt, §; cellDel, §

a.   The standard allows an unbounded number of comment ranges.

Word will not open a file with more than 32767 comment ranges.

b.   The standard states that if this element occurs without a corresponding commentRangeEnd element, it shall be considered the single anchor point for the comment reference.

If Word opens a file with a commentRangeStart element without a corresponding commentRangeEnd element, the location of the commentReference element determines the single anchor point for the comment reference.

c.   The standard allows commentRangeStart in headers, footers, text boxes, footnotes, and endnotes.

Word ignores this element if it is under a header, footer, text box, footnote, or endnote.